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Body shop to adjust door hinge ?????


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So a new member hi Everyone.

Picked up a 57 plate on xmas eve and it is very nice. A few bits to sort, one of them is playing on my mind.

The drivers door will not always click shut, they (Audi Dealer) tried to fob me off saying that there is air pressure when all the windows are shut and one door is closed. To cut a long story short they have now said, on second inspection that the door hinge needs adjusting and this has to be done in the bodyshop, can anyone out there confirm that this is true, it sounds absolutly crazy. They did offer me the car back for the weekend so maybe I'm being just a bit to suspicious :rolleyes:

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Depends my friend.......some retailers wont touch "door hinge" adjustment for the simple fact of not having the equipment to hold the door properly in place, whilst slackening the bolts. Body shops generally should have all the kit to deal with this and deal with it on a regular basis. It is a fiddle/pain if you are not confident in doing it. Takes alot......and i mean alot of patience to get it right and looking good too.

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I know, I was referring to the fact it might just need the striker adjusting.

Is the door sitting correctly when closed? Is there evidence the hinges have moved? If the answer to that is yes and no, it may only need the striker tweaked. I did one on my old A4 years ago.

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We had the same issue with my wife's Golf and it had to go to the bodyshop +++

We also got fobbed off with the same air pressure excuse, which may have worked for them until I pointed out it only affected one door and unless VW had invented a new type of selective air pressure he should stop making himself looks stupid and just fix the car!

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Well, thanks to you all, my first post and I think I can take a bit of heart that my main stealer is not having me on. As Dblanc says its not until you point out that it only happens with one door that anything is done.

So as I said I picked up the car on Xmas eve and have had to return it for

The driver door not shutting.

Spare alloy wheel scuffed

Spare tyre down to tread ware marker

Bonnet alarm on all the time

Wipers smearing, was told they needed a clean, now they are being changed. (just as well I can't find new ones anywhere)

Sat Nav goes blank randomly

Had to have paint bubble repaired, only after I pointed it out

So much for the Audi multi point check.

So much for the dealer being on of the best.

So much for vorch sprung B________ks

Other than that, I am enjoying my A8, be even better when I get it back.

Thanks for the responses Guys

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Hi Tipex,

The rust bubble was on the boot trim/handle near the reversing camera, so not the body work as such. I should have been a bit more specific.

In saying that the car has returned from the bodyshop to the workshop and is now waiting for a software update from the factory, and any repairs or whatever that throws up. So it may be the end of the week before I get it back. I am hoping I haven't got a lemon here. Had the "Audi multi point" checks been made properly I would not be so P_____d off and to keep being told "sales will pay for this and that really doesn't cut the mustard, as I am paying with inconvenience.

Rant over, again thanks to all replies, at least the A8 forum seems to be as friendly as the jaguar one.

Cheers Guys

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Hi All, Some interesting thoughts and comments, I have now got the car back and I can't see any hammer of wood block marks, that seems a good start. All things have allegedly been done, so off for a two day jaunt "up north" and back, so a good test drive.

So yes a tad p_____d off with the stealer and that it's been back more than once for re-work. Not sure of the protocol here, should I name and shame? What I will say is that they used to be based in Croydon and have moved south a bit.

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