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Mild WW: The importance of signalling at roundabouts


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Well I know I am seen as a bit of a laughing stock around here, but this is a serious topic so please take note. I was turning left onto a dual carriage way, when a BMW convertible approached at a rate of knots in the left hand lane without signalling. I thought he was going to go straight due to 1. Not signalling left and 2. The speed at which he was going. By the time I had seen him, I was already pulling out, so I jammed the brakes on (stupidly) only to see him swerve to the first exit instead.

The next thing I know, an almighty bang sound happens from behind. Yep, you guessed it, I caused someone to go into me. I thought that was it, project Pug was over and that was the end of it all. The car drove fine so I drove it to the nearest car park where the other driver got out and we looked over our cars. To my surprise, there was no visible damage to my car apart from a few stratches and scruffs and a cracked license plate. His car, being a BMW (see a theme here:D) was fine with similar damage to mine. He was a nice chap and I was lucky that he was not angry with me so after checking everybody was okay we parted ways without exchanging insurance details or any of that nonsense.

Upon further examination of my car it does seem to have a little dent in the boot area where the wheel brace is kept but it is minor and does not show at all. The metal around the edge of the chassis has been bent slightly right near where the bumper mounts on but it is soft and thin metal so I am able to pull it back with my bare hands:cool: The bumper is not visibly damaged but does have a hair line crack all the way to where it mounts onto the chassis which can be viewed from underneath the car. So it looks like the Pug lives another day, but by the grace of god. This is not a mistake I want to make again.

Pics below:






Edited by bazza_g
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As far as im aware its his fault and you should always swap details as you never know what you will find when you get home. You are within your rights to stop quickly and he should have paid more attention and kept a safe distance. Come on Flynn you know this with all that training you have.

Glad project Pug is still ok and not spoilt.

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Why thank you mate for your kind words about project Pug. It was not his fault though, I stoppped too quickly in a false anticipation of something that was gonna happen. I should have slown down more gradually. Also I am pleased to say that this is my first altercation involving another driver :)

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You decided to make an emergency stop. The guy behind you was too close and unable to stop in time - therefore his fault. It could not be more clear cut. You should be pursuing him to rectify the damage to your car. No wonder he was so nice about the whole thing.

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Well the way I see it is, he was nice enough to follow me to the car park and check whether I was okay and he wasn't arsy about his car like some people. He could have just not followed me but he did which was the decent thing to do. My cars worth practically nothing financially so I'm not going to make a fuss. I do need to sort a new bumper though because although this one looks alright it does have a crack all the way to where it bolts onto the car so if this were to happen again (god forbid) it wouldn't save the chassis as it has done on this occasion. I will just get a bumper from the scrappy and then paint it myself, not too much of a problem. By the way, I think he might have just not noticed that I had stopped because there was a delay between having stopped and then the bang coming, enough for me to see that the car that I thought was going to shoot across the roundabout actually went left instead.

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This is a really common accident. First car in the queue starts to pull away, then changes his mind and throws out the anchors. Second car is watching the traffic rather than the car in front, and piles into the back of him.

While I've some sympathy for the BMW driver behind you, and I've nearly done the same thing myself, the other posters are absolutely right. The fault is entirely his, and it's absolutely clear. The car behind must give himself room to stop regardless of what the traffic in front does. If he doesn't then it's his fault if an accident occurs. You made a perfectly reasonable decision to stop. Even if it hadn't been reasonable, the fault still would be his.

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As before, BMW driver man is at fault - he should have been looking at YOU and checking the taffic. If he was 5 cars behind, then I'd expect him to be looking at the cars in front - only when closer can you really start to check both.

There is a road I go down that this sort of thing happens a lot. I am very wary going down it when the cars start o pull out of the junction.

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It's such an easy mistake to make though, as an advanced driver I still consider it to be at least a 50/50 fault. Because it is so common I should have realised the potential for it and taken the correct advanced measures to avoid it. I failed in doing that, so it is partly my fault, IMHAO.

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Much of advanced driver training is about observation including expecting the unexpected and yet you've posted about more incidents/near misses since you've been on this forum that I've had in 5 years.

Doesn't that on it's own suggest you should reappraise what you're doing with your driving?

Oh and you should get your car inspected. Behind the plastic work will be a deformable bumper. This is likely to have done it's job and bent up absorbing the energy. It's likely to need replacing. If you don't then effectively you'll have removed a chunk of your crumple zone.

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Much of advanced driver training is about observation including expecting the unexpected and yet you've posted about more incidents/near misses since you've been on this forum that I've had in 5 years.

Doesn't that on it's own suggest you should reappraise what you're doing with your driving?

Oh and you should get your car inspected. Behind the plastic work will be a deformable bumper. This is likely to have done it's job and bent up absorbing the energy. It's likely to need replacing. If you don't then effectively you'll have removed a chunk of your crumple zone.

Isn't that what I said you phucking idiot?:grin:

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Isn't that what I said you phucking idiot?:grin:


These Flynn posts just reaffirm that he's just a troll.

No one (surely??) is that fecking stoopid nor would post with such obvious dangling worms trying to provoke a response.

Perhaps the game is "how many forums can I get banned from?"

Don't get drawn in.


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