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Why has my insurance gone up!? Two years no claims 10000 miles a year £500 car why has it gone up!? None of the companies can help they're all useless. Phuck those ****s.

Maybe they just saw your posts on here and all the other forums you are banned from and decided to have a rare moment of sanity and gave you a quote you deserved. By the way - hope you declared those new sills, resprayed rims etc...

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I mustbbe missing something. What's the poor lad done?

Shagged a 2 year old tortoise shell cat right up the dirt box? Not sure.

I think his general abuse and name calling (and offers of coming to sort them out) rubbed a few people up the wrong way. Personally, I'm disappointed. I was looking forward to him taking up garcon's offer of driving him up here to give me a kicking. Never mind, live and let live etc.

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He was a troll trying to get banned in the same way he has on other forums. This included being abusive, threats and offering people out. It seems it kept him entertained.

In stead of being clever it showed him to be a fool and hence he was outed.

Not the crime of the century and I found it funny laughing AT him.

TSN ain't no run of the mill forum +++

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He was a troll trying to get banned in the same way he has on other forums. This included being abusive, threats and offering people out. It seems it kept him entertained.

In stead of being clever it showed him to be a fool and hence he was outed.

Not the crime of the century and I found it funny laughing AT him.

TSN ain't no run of the mill forum +++

You can say that again :P

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I want to kick the **** out of the insurance people.... I said her manager is a dickhead ...By the way I haven't declared mods or crashes or anything...

Lying to your insurer ? Stupid. Admitting lying to your insurer on a public forum with your name, registration and date of birth, all of which you put online yourself, then abusing the few people who could remove this info ? Very stupid.

I'll have the last laugh

Meeow. :coffee:

Edited by theduisbergkid
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Lying to your insurer ? Stupid. Admitting lying to your insurer on a public forum with your name, registration and date of birth, all of which you put online yourself, then abusing the few people who could remove this info ? Very stupid.

Meeow. :coffee:

lol it seems you have misunderstood. The point I was trying to make was that these quotes I was getting were without mods declared. I am cleverer than I look, theres no way I would trust you lot not to snitch on me if I was withholding information from my insurance company. You idiots just assumed that I was based on unfair stereotypes.

Why doesnt someone just report him and get this over and done with as its doing my head in now!

Shut your pie hole and stop bumping my thread


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