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protecting a brand new car


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I am not really sure there is "one" there are are a lot of different products so they would all give different processes. A very basic idea of things would be the Meguiars 5 step process.

Black is a hard colour to keep looking good, a machine polisher, patients or £350 - £600 to a decent detailer should "knock it" in to a good state to get things started for you. Work that out over the tax you pay or the invoice price and isnt to bad. How big is the car?


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Keep it clean, yes. But just drive it. You'll end up paranoid if you try and keep it immaculate. It's impossible unless it's a weekend/show car. And anyway, if it gets scratched or dinged then get someone to sort it. Enjoy it mate

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You can buy all the "gear" and do it yourself, but if your looking for full correction it would take a novice a few days and probably the best part of £350 to get kitted up. Although once you have everything the next car is just a case of "time" to get it sorted and maintained.

If you just want to improve the condition of the car and make it look "nicer" then you could purchase something like Bilt Hamber Auto Balm which will give the car a chemical polish and leave a protective layer. It hides a minor swirling quite well and match that with some clay and it wouldent take more then half a day to get things looking good.

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