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Potty training


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Any helpful hints from those of you with kids that have gone past this stage please?

My daughter will sit on the potty / toilet seat but will not "perform". She is two and a half now and tells us when she needs a poo. Get her to the toilet and she won't go. Pull her nappy back up and she does it!

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Ooooooh the joy !

We're almost out the other side with our youngest, she was being very good, but last weekend kept weeing herself... did it three times while out, including at the check-out of Next! :rolleyes:

Persistence I'm afraid. Have found a "well done" sticker helps and general praise when she does it on her potty or the loo helps too.

Just pack LOTS of pants/knickers and bottoms :)

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Get some plastic mini steps and the kit that turns a wc in to a potty.

Some toddlers only associate a proper toilet with the deed and asking them to use a standard potty is like suggesting they poo on the floor.

It might also help if you buy a novelty potty, our daughter had a turtle one where the shell came off to reveal the business element.

You might want to start with number 1's by asking her to announce her need to wee, number 2's will happen once the training for no 1's is sorted.

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I'm afraid as Biscuits says, it is just patience and persistence. It sounds like you are nearly there tho' .... baby bear did the same thing ie telling us she needed a poo and would happily sit on the potty ... it was a bit hit and miss and the first time she managed it she was a little shocked at the result but we all clapped and had big grins. A few weeks later it suddenly clicked but I did leave the potty in the front room so she could see it all the time and also asked her about every 15 minutes if she needed to go. Sometimes she would just sit on the potty and nothing happened but if she did "perform" we all gave her lots of praise and a sticker with Peppa Pig to show what a big girl she was.

At least its a nice time of the year to do the potty training, and as with all the children, no two will be the same so you have to just go at their pace. Hannah turned two and three days and refused to wear a nappy anymore so that was that, knickers on and never wore a nappy again during the day (if only she was this easy for everything else ........ now ten going on 29 / 2 years old :uhoh:)

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My daughter is 3 and a half and refuses to use the loo... she will sit on it happily and has only done a no.1 a couple of times but refuses to tell us she needs to sit on the potty/toilet. Other times she will tell us she needs a no.2 but refuses to do it on the loo. Always goes into a corner of a room where no one can see her to do it.

I think its going to be a case of taking the pull ups off and just throwing knickers on and she will have to tell us as she is a clean freak and would hate doing it down her legs... hmm.. the joys...

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We didnt use a potty with either of ours, just as Chri5 said step and usual toilet. Both ours pretty much decided as I think most kids do when they are going to use the toilet as the whole nappy thing gets too much for them and if like you say she is a clean freak there is nothing worse for them so they'll be soon changing their habbit.

One thing an old nanny told us is that when they start going dry through the day they will do it through the night, the mistake most people make is putting them in nappies at night time, and apparently you are training them that its ok at night by giving them a nappy and stretching out the process, we tried this with our second as only found out during the process of the first and he took straight to it and by 20 months was dry night and day.

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Our daughter was dry day and night at 2 years old and would only use the 'Big girl' toilet. The boy on the other hand, is now 2 and 1/4 and has shown no sign whatsoever of even understanding what it feels like to be doing a poo/wee. Hopefully with the weather turning better we can have him running around the garden with his nappy off a bit to try and break the back of it.

All kids are different!! Just need to keep trying and don't scold them for having accidents otherwise it puts the pressure on and will probably make it worse.

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I'd just like to add my experiences to the mix and echo a lot of what has already been said.

Our boys are now 5 and 3. We never used a potty with either of them (conscious choice not to) for the reasons already highlighted: a step and 'toilet adapter' means they can use the proper, grown-up toilet like everyone else. All kids get it at different times, just keep at it and don't be pressured into thinking 'so-and-so did it at x months, so we must too.'

If they ask for the toilet, put them on it. If they don't use it, fair enough, you're still on the right road. Give lots of praise, regardless.

Once in a while try no nappies. There will be accidents. If there are too many, then you could temporarily go back. (We had a few false starts like this.) But try again a while later and eventually it'll just happen.

I was overjoyed when the day finally came we didn't have to buy the damned expensive things (nappies). But now we're expecting our 3rd in August and they'll soon be back. 43032d1300959997-where-i-add-my-pictures-facepalm.gif

Edited by Sponge
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Ours loved sitting on the potty but wouldn't do anything on it and would hold it in until she got upset. Nappy on and she'd do whatever she needed to. We stopped pushing it and then she started going to the toilets with her friends at nursery, and that was it, done and dusted in under 2 weeks.

She still has a nappy at night time but it is either dry in the morning or she wakes up for the loo. As soon as we get round to buying a plastic sheet for her bed the sleep nappy is going too.

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