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I'm now poor - deposit paid


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Just been on the phone to some insurers and am amazed.

I went into this exercise with £1k in my mind (quoted on MoneyS) for the premium with zero no claims (second car). I've just rung a couple of others:

CCI - £1k x/s, me and partner including my 6 points and her 3 points - £850.

Admiral - same as above but on their multicar with the LCR on it too (REVO, exhaust and suspension declared) - £750 now and £330 for the LCR in September.

And there was me thinking insurance was going up. Result!

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  • 2 weeks later...

The 4th is finally here - leaving work at 15:00 for a rather long Tube ride to get it. My brother loves his cars so I've invited him along with me - I hope he isn't expecting a go in the hot seat!

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Why, do they pre-load it with some cash when you buy a new car?!

The first few hours will be fun, so long as my bro isn't a pain (which he has the stunning capacity to be). Actually, the first few hours will either be sat on the M25 at about 18:00 or on the North Circular - either way I won't be going very far very quickly!

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C'mon then where's the pics! :P

Congrats on your purchase +++

Hopefully you've had dry weather down south to give you a full chance of spinning the v8 around the rev range through most of the gears without going sideways too much!

Enjoy mate :beer:

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Well, no pics for now - will save that for when it is light outside but blimey, it is quite some bit of kit.

Smells new and I've just spent the last 25 mins sat in it just playing with the iDrive. It is quite some step up in car ownership. It is the small stuff which is exciting me for now like all the electronic wizardry, electric seats, sat nav, iDrive etc etc. Have not got the DAB working yet though - no signal despite the fact I'm in London. One for another day.

Journey back was uneventful and my bro thinks I dirve like a wuss. He is not wrong for now!! 2 hours round some of London's busiest roads at peak rush hour saw a mighty 14mpg returned. I've therefore still got my rear tyres intact!

I think this car and I are going to live very happily together!

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Cool, cool, cool !

I'm so pleased for you Andrew, you really sound chuffed to bits. Apart from the fuel, your car is one of the best bits of kit on the road today and I know you'll enjoy it more and more.

Look forward to seeing the pictures, from the post above I think we can all see your smile :)


PS: best iDrive tip I ever had: holding the controller left/right/forwards/back for a couple of seconds jumps to the climate/nav/media/phone screens. Saves ages trying to click through. :)

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Oddly enough I worked that out while having a play - it takes a bit of getting used to but I reckon it is pretty good. Any more tips chuck them my way - I can use all the advice I can get mate! +++

I've had an added bonus tonight too - it has the upgraded sound system on it - Logic 7. They didn't put Logic 7 on the car spec so I didn't think it had it - I really wanted it too but convinced myself I wasn't too fussed in the end! Result - how often does that happen.

A very good day!

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Then there are the hidden menu's....

iDrive hidden menus on E90/2

Interesting, but wtf. It's a car, set up, jump in and kick it.

I'd like to know if you can kill the gps / i drive bot and avoid all traces of driving speed. Something goes wrong and there's a fatac, I'm an innocent driver and the police pull my driving history pre accident and bang, no matter what it's all my fault.

It's a pro tool you have there, treat it with respect for a bit, then (since it's "May the 4 th be with you" day) use the force Luke.


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