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RS3: Have you ordered one? Have you received a build date?


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Do you mean the A1 with the red stripes and stuff. That's a totally different colour to what I was expecting. Looks like the pearl white colour that changes appearance. Black alloys could like nice with that.

Edited by Luke
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It does have all the stripes yes, but that's not really relevant as you can add that package to any A1, looks very much like the same colour.

This particular colour (Suzuka Grey) is exclusive to R8 & TTRS, and is apparently referred to as "Ghost White" by AG, and TBH is pretty "marmite" that being said, until she is unwrapped fully, cant really make a desicison, if I dont like, then I aint buying it,especially given the 16 month wait, from deposit to arrival

I'll post up some pics when unwrapped, for comment, all and any views welcomed

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Do you mean the A1 with the red stripes and stuff. That's a totally different colour to what I was expecting. Looks like the pearl white colour that changes appearance. Black alloys could like nice with that.

Looked at a TTRS with SG colour and black wheel combo, not for me, bit too boy racer for an ol git like me, gone for high gloss alloys, in preference to titanium or black, which actually look quite good with the colour, on first impressions, anywoz we'll see, when all is revealed

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My theory is that the UK is simply no longer a major market for them, therefore we get no special treatment at all, in fact, quite the opposite, we're at the back of the queue.

Given the size of the emerging markets in China etc, it would seem to bear out too.

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It's not just Audi it's teh same if you want to buy any of VAG brands and has been for the last few years. I just think they now have a "make to order" business model to keep stock and cost to a minimum.

I think it also adds to the premium image of having to wait and keeps resale values high and discounting to a minimum.

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After all that waiting, I find it kind of funny that you seem to be very relaxed about when you take the keys.

If it had been me I'd have asked the pdi / prep to be pushed all poste haste. In which month do you intend to finally drive off the forecourt?

You have to consider that the eager "Anticipation" element has long since disappeared for me, where this car is concerned, and if you had any idea of how sh1te AG have been, in keeping a lot of p1ssed off customers, totally "un" & "mis" "informed" which has been the case with this car, then you might get some idea, where I am, with actually buying this car, if it is not exactly what I want, then they can keep it, also there is the issue of compo, what has been offered to date is a joke, so I am currently pursuing that avenue at the moment.

So we will see what happens, but yes you are right, no panic, I have waited this long, so a few more days to ensure everything is how I want it, isnt really an issue right now TBH

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Ashley, just for a laugh, ask the dealer if they will hold it for you until the new reg "62 reg" comes out:roflmao:

Lovely car, lovely colour +++

Honestly, the thought had crossed my mind, reasoning being;

Two can play the "Waiting" game;

I waited "a while" for the car, now you can wait "a while" for the dosh!

Thanks for the positive comments about the car bob, appreciated

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Is the spec at least correct as ordered?

Audi have a history of making some simply amazing omissions on ordered spec on TSN, such as complete 4wd systems!

Yes, but they did have a few weeks to get it right MF's!

On spec, TTS ordered with Black Nappa & Silver Stitching...... 9 months later............Grey Leather with Red feckin inserts arrives, this after the better half spending an hour agreeing spec,being told the car would be no longer than 3 months to being made, and the response from the stealer concerned, when asked what they were going to do about it?

Just order you another car, should be about 6 months?

The best bit being, they seem oblivious as to why, I now buy all my cars from another outlet,same franchise,and I now get great pleasure when they all ignore me when I call in for servicing, it really is amusing, one minute your chocolate, the next your sh1t on there shoe's, hilarious, one thing for sure though, never see a red cent of my money ever again

Note to dealer outlet concerned:

Just coz I have bought four cars since that debacle chaps,from your sister outlet,just down the road, who appear to understand the meaning of "Customer Service" no need to get all shirty, try offering a bit of customer service, to people who buy more than one vehicle of you, every 3-10 plus years, you never know, you might actually achieve repeat sales, you muppets

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So Ash, is she undressed yet? Pics....+++

Mines just returned an ave of 29 mpg and 316 miles from a tank...:grin: So not too bad. Oh and got a result from Audi too, will send you an E-mail when I get home later. :P

Not yet Wayne, tied up with business till later in the week, told them to leave it wrapped, till I can identify a suitable detailer in the area (Which isnt going to be easy) in light of the fact, that I dont want it "swirled" to death at the stealers.

Glad to hear you got a result with Audi, fuel consumption on a par with an S3 on those figures, which is reassuring to know, speak soon mate, and great to hear how good you think the car is to live with, putting aside the shower of sh1te Audi have been

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Mines just returned an ave of 29 mpg and 316 miles from a tank...:grin:

A quick google to find out the tank size, and some rudimentary mathematics works that out to be nearer 23mpg, not that you buy such a car on the basis of MPG of course, and just goes to show, never trust what the computer tells you, as 99% of the time, in any car, it's wrong.

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A quick google to find out the tank size, and some rudimentary mathematics works that out to be nearer 23mpg, not that you buy such a car on the basis of MPG of course, and just goes to show, never trust what the computer tells you, as 99% of the time, in any car, it's wrong.

Just to clarify T,the Mpg figure Moschops was referring to, was based on fill up volume,correlated to mileage, not the actual tank size of the car in question.

I think most peeps would agree, that is the only accurate way of measuring such things, as you are never going to physically drive the thing till it runs out of fuel, or trust the computer to be 100% accurate

To be fair, the Audi system appears to be reasonably accurate, on the one's I have actually owned anyway

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60 litre tanks in them aren't they? 13.2 Gallons pretty much, so 316 miles @ 29Mpg=10.9Gallons used, leaving 10 ish litres in the tank sounds about right ish for the warning light?

My M3 is a pain on that front - spends most of its life with the petrol refuel light on. Comes on once used about 50 litres of a full tank from a 63 litre total capacity. So asks for refill at 80% - which is pretty much the same as the RS3 above @ 82%? Wonder why they bring the warnings on so early now, or am I imagining things?

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