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B6 A4 tdi on Biodiesel Update......


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Right then,

Now racked up 3000 miles on B100 Biodiesel with absolutley no issues. This is the 100% biodeisel fuel.

The car runs smoother and quieter on Biodiesel and actually has completely stopped smoking under acceleration, with no dectebale loss in power, economy and or torque. It does still smoke a little on a cold start, but its now white smoke not black and it smells much more pleasent! To be fair its just about to hit 120k miles so i would be surprised if it didnt smoke a little.

In addition i had a bit of a flat spot and "hiccup" which has now completely dissappeared. I can only assume that i had a build up of crud in the fuel lines that the veg diesel has now cleared. I did change the fuel filter after about 2000 miles and it was absolutley full of crud.

Really cant recommend enough that if you have a 99-04 TDI you should find a local supplier and start using it. My local supplier (spen valley biodiesel in Bradford) is currently selling @ £1.05 a litre, but i have also used Bristol biofuels who are currently at £1 a litre, so the savings are obvious and substantial.

I have a friend who has started running his skoda superb 2.5tdi on the same stuff and he is 2000 miles in with no issues, so both 1.9 and 2.5 tdis seem to be fine on the stuff.



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Just google Biodiesel suppliers, then there are quite a few sites with suppliers on including Petrolprices.com. But i have found that alot of them have I can only assume gone out of business as when you call them they dont answer or the line is dead, so recommend checking first. Also from reading up a fair bit, there can be quite a big gap in quality between suppliers, so worth looking at how proffesional they look before you take the plunge! although in reality if the fuel conforms to the EN14214 standard you shouldnt have any bother.

I would suggest you check your handbook, mine actually lists B100 Biediesel as an acceptable fuel along with standard mineral Diesel, if its in the book you are good to go.

There are numerous stand points on when you need to change the fuel filter ranging from 800 miles to 3000 miles from when you start using Bio, so i went for the middle ground, however i have a long life service comeing up in a nother few thousand miles so it will be getting another filter change (effectivley 2 in 5k)

Im still getting over 60MPG as i spend alot of time on the M1, and at C.£1 a litre that means about 7.5p per mile instead of 10p per mile which is not to be sniffed at!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I would suggest you check your handbook, mine actually lists B100 Biediesel as an acceptable fuel along with standard mineral Diesel, if its in the book you are good to go.

I was under the impression that PD engines should not be run on Bio unless there is a sticker somewhere in the boot (IIRC) confirming that the car was ordered and built to run on Bio. The difference in the build is not available as a retrofit kit to the best of my knowledge.

I take it your's isn't a PD?

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Given that the diesel pumps burn themselves out without the help of biodiesel, I wouldn't recommend anyone runs a 2.5TDI on biodiesel unless you can save enough to pay for a £1000 fuel pump every now and then.

I have always assumed that when the pumps go, it's because someone has filled up and ran (for a short while) with petrol, before emptying and refilling with diesel.

Maybe best not to try it.

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I e-mailed Audi a few years ago about bio-diesel and they told me definitely not, not even 5%. Though I wasn't sure if they were being overcautious.

EDIT - Found this .pdf from VW which lists what cars can and can't use biodiesel - it says no PD engines can use 100% RME biodiesel, but thy can run on up to 7% - http://www.volkswagen.co.uk/assets/common/pdf/general/biodiesel.pdf

Edited by benjie
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  • 3 months later...

Im Up to 40k+ miles on Bio, I have just dropped down about 75:25 Bio:Derv for the winter. No issues what so ever and the emissions are better on Bio than Derv.

Car is averaging about 48mpg around town, long runs see it get up to 55mpg, so not quite as good as Derv, but not far off and a minor dent in the savings made on the price of the fuel in the first place.

Also running an SDi Fabia on straight waste Veg Oil with 5% Petrol and that's given me no issues on nearly 10K miles. Fuel is almost free, just the price of filters to get the bits out, and the price of fuel to collect it from local food outlets.

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