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Fitness thread - Q1/12


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Right then.

Cos I tend to do my weigh in on a Friday I'm going to be awkward and start early. Yes I know today is Saturday, but I was away. :P

Starting weight for the TSN Fitness Campaign Q1/12: 19st 0.25lb.

Starting waist (girth at its largest): 54.5in.

Targets for 6 April (first Friday after 31 March):

Weight: 17st 7lb

Waist: 51.5 in

Walking: average 25km a week

As this quarter progresses, I'll be looking at how to get more intelligent about my programme - the right kind of exercise to keep up the momentum and new recipes to keep up the subtle improvements in diet. I will make use of a gym for the first time in a couple of decades, might even buy (or perhaps to start with borrow) a mountain bike.

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I may dip in and out of this one.

Currently around 90kgs (Pretty much bang on 14 stone) - but I'm only 5ft 8in, so technically 'obese'.

However, even when I was at my very fittest, I was never less than 13 stone.

Not too sure about setting a target, though.

Bit of background: In Feb. 2011 I had a pretty severe heart attack and lost around 25% of my heart function. I have had 2 stents fitted. Since then I've lost 2 stone and around 4 inches from my waist - and have done a 5km 'Santa Run' for the British Heart Foundation - didn't time it accurately, but finished in around 35 mins.

So, I'm down the gym 4 times a week for around 50 mins of cardio work, plus I swim 200m as my cool down. I do plan to do some more road running in 2012, though.

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Christ on a bike, heart attack doesn't sound great.

I actually just heard of a 36 year old work mate who had a heard attack mid week and died as a result. His mrs is due in a few months too. Terrible.

On a fitness note, I'm pretty happy with mine, just need to reign in the crisps and juice a touch to lose half a stone and I'll be happy. I've never been stronger but cardio has been a touch better. I should be able to improve on it when the better weather returns.

I could actually do with an extra inch or two on the cock so I'll have to do some research on that front. I've seen some adverts on the Internet that looks promising.

Everything on the Internet is true, right??

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Well my 2012 plan is 3 letters and that is abs. That means getting down to sub 10% BF which I think I can do in the first 3 months of the year. I am working with a body transformation expert (fancy title for a nutritionist!) to get there - I'll post some more about the methods once I see how successful it is, it flies in the face of convention in a number of areas so should be interesting.

I also want to get my 5k time to as close to 20 minutes as I can (I am at 24 right now) and my 10K to as close to 45 minutes, and my half marathon below 2:00 (dream goal 1:45)

This years been huge for me and I am determined to make next year even better.

Oh and I finished this year off with a 10 mile hilly road race today, and am starting next year with a 10km hilly XC race (on Monday) :)

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I weighed myself this morning for a laugh and was surprised at the results.

67.5kg, 17.1% bf

I have not stopped myself from indulging over Christmas at all. But I did run more than 12 miles since Christmas Eve.

Would love to see the abs that are lying under this admittedly small layer of fat on my belly, if only for the kudos of managing it. Whether it's actually healthy to by <10% bf, I'm not sure. I'd also like to get some triangulation of my upper body. Maybe I've been watching too much World Strongest Man, but I've never been particularly strong in the arms, so would make a nice change.

Official targets:

15%bf, at least and completing my first month of Marathon training.

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OK first weigh-in of the year.

72.2 KG (20.5% BF on my scales which read a bit high). Put on a kilo or so over Christmas. Not too bad considering I've been sick for the last week or so and so have't been able to get out on the road.

Targets for this quarter are all about running and getting ready for a Half Marathon (target time is as far under 2:00 hours as I can go). However in order to get that time I think I need to loose about 5kg.

Oh and I'm cutting out the alcohol :)

Looking forward to it +++

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Time for me to join in on this now. My goals are a little different to some but the principle is the same.

I'm 6ft 1 and last weighed in at 13st 10lb (at friends house last week). I have been lifting weights for about 8 months and was looking to get bigger. My goal for the next 3 months is to lose a pound or two but to put on lean muscle (weight should stay around the same mark. So it's body fat % that interests me, need to get those abs out and proud.

Will post more accurate stats ehen I get some scales. Anyone recomend some that do body fat %, was it John Lewis or Tesco that people were buying theirs from?

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I'm in!

Time I kick my body into some form of better shape. I know I've been creeping up a bit over the last couple of months but not weighed myself until this morning :uhoh:

02/01/12 - 91.8kg

Target goal of 86kg

I know it's not a massive drop as some of that weight will be Christmas excess, but I'm starting small so that I can get some form of routine then I can think about upping it along with the exercise.

Myfitnesspal will be used as an ease of monitoring what I'm consuming

Does anyone keep a food diary at all?

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Going to weigh in on Thursday as normal. Last couple of days have been, er calorific to say the least! Need to knuckle down and get back on it. First priority is to get into a routine of more exercise. Running in the evening seems the way forward with my schedule. One mtb ride a week isn't enough, as tough as it is. I think if I exercise more, than I could eat a bit more. That way I'd be less prone to weight gain in the future. I think Mook said, you can't lose weight long term by dieting only. You need to factor in the exercise too. This thread (and the first) is so good.

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