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Fitness thread - Q1/12


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I'm still progressing slowly for the Reading Half marathon on the 1st April. (1st ever long distance run)

Got to half distance at end of September, then dropped off a bit during November and December, but back up to 9 Miles now.

Due to family, only get to run twice a week at the moment, tend to do one shorter "faster" and one longer "race pace" run.

I intend to increase to full race distance by end of Feb/early March and then drop of a little bit in the last couple of weeks before the race.

If this is not a good idea or if anybody has any other tips or suggestions that would be great.


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Friday weigh-in:

69.6Kg down 1Kg or so.

First time under 70Kg, first time under 11st for over twenty years. Last time I was this slim I was at Uni :)

Couple more Kg and I will start to look at building muscle mass - looking forward to that phase +++

Well done! Under 11 stone is very light. You must be of a slim build. Nice to be a weight that you used to be when you were younger. All good.

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Weekly Weigh-in Sat 21 Jan

Weight: 18st 10.75lb (-0.75lb)

Waist: 54in (0.0in)

Walking: 27.1km

(Targets for Q1/12: 17st 7lb, 51.5in, 25+km per week)

A week of more walking, but also more eating. Need to keep up the extra exercise and just tweak the food a little more to get back up to a pound and a half a week average.

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I intend to increase to full race distance by end of Feb/early March and then drop of a little bit in the last couple of weeks before the race.

If this is not a good idea or if anybody has any other tips or suggestions that would be great.


This is the way to go +++

The week of the race, run fewer miles at a slower pace. It's called tapering. Means that you're fully recovered from training and fresh for the race. Not doing this and training extra hard before my 10 miler last year is why I got injured.

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Same weight as last week. 12st 11. I've run 3 times since the last weigh in. Slowly increasing the pace. Bought some new jeans on Tuesday, 34'' waist and they weren't tight! That was a nice feeling. Really enjoying the running, probably more than mtb as the ground is so muddy now it's impossible.

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Better set a target I suppose. I would like to get to 14st soonish but that is a big jump so I will aim for 5lb of lean muscle on in the time scale we have here. That would put me at 6ft 1 and 13st 10 (87-88kg) which is a start.

After nearly 2 weeks I am back to 13st 10. However this is far too quick to all be lean muscle, I fear a lot may be water retention. I have been at this stage a few time over the years and get scared and lose the weight again. I have to get over the mental block of needing to put weight on in order to grow muscle.

I have been eating pretty clean for a month or so with diet breakdown as follows.

3000 calories a day.

40% protiegn (220 grams)

40% carbs

20% fats (mainly essential fats)

My maintanence intake is around 2600 calories per day so eating 400 extra clean calories should achieve a lean bulk. Can anyone tell I'm trying to convince myself by writting all this nonsense. Just plod on eating and training I guess.

It just scares me that for someone of my height and build to look "big" I will need to get to 14 1/2 or 15 stone which I am not sure I can do. Football doesn't help as the extra weight plays a big part in getting around the pitch.

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Started going for brisks walks in my lunch time again so at least doing something remotely active, foods not been too bad but drunk a little bit too much (crap week at work). Weighed in this morning at 15st 6.25lbs so lost 1 lb this week. Still need to do better but at least it's still a downward trend. Ho hum.

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After nearly 2 weeks I am back to 13st 10. However this is far too quick to all be lean muscle, I fear a lot may be water retention. I have been at this stage a few time over the years and get scared and lose the weight again. I have to get over the mental block of needing to put weight on in order to grow muscle.

I have been eating pretty clean for a month or so with diet breakdown as follows.

3000 calories a day.

40% protiegn (220 grams)

40% carbs

20% fats (mainly essential fats)

My maintanence intake is around 2600 calories per day so eating 400 extra clean calories should achieve a lean bulk. Can anyone tell I'm trying to convince myself by writting all this nonsense. Just plod on eating and training I guess.

It just scares me that for someone of my height and build to look "big" I will need to get to 14 1/2 or 15 stone which I am not sure I can do. Football doesn't help as the extra weight plays a big part in getting around the pitch.

Well at least its going in the right direction for you.

I have increased 2 lbs this week but ive completed my 3rd week at the gym doing 2 sessions a week at the mo on weights. Wifey has noticed im starting to loose the moobs and they are beginning to take form a little! :)

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Well, I signed up to circuit training classes on Monday - still paying the price for the first one today!

But I have done a couple of gym / swim sessions since.

I've had an interesting proposition put to me this week, too...

When I was at school / 6th form, I was a member of the cross country team (did it so I could keep fit for the summer athletics season) - and we used to compete in the Stonyhurst College invitational race every year.

This year is 20 years since we last competed, and also our coaches last year before retiring from his teaching position at out old school.

Anyway, it has been proposed that we re-form the old team - and Stonyhurst are happy for us to take part in celebration of our 20 years.

It's around 4.5 miles of arduous cross-country.... not convinced I'm quite ready for it - but have until November to prepare!

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Right I'm now on my 4th week of going to the gym 2 times per week. I've gone up in weights a but and love working out now! Really helps having a training buddy!

In red are my new weights I'm using compared to my first week.



- Dead lifts 3 sets x 8 reps 60kg now 70kg

- Pull downs 2 sets x 8 reps 10kg now 12kg

- Seat Rows 2 sets x 8 reps 8kg now 11kg


- Flat Dumb Bell Press 3 sets x 8 reps 10kg now 15kg

- Flat Flys 2 sets x 8 reps 8kg now 12.5kg


- Captains Chair 3 sets x 30 sec

- Crunches 3 sets x 30 sec



- Squats 3 sets x 8 reps

- Leg Press 3 x 8 reps 10kg now 17kg

- Calfs 3 sets x 30 reps 12kg now 14kg


- Shoulder Press 3 sets x 8 reps 10kg now 15kg but that's pushing it!

- Side Raises 2 sets x 12 reps 7kg now 10kg

- Front Raises 2 sets x 12 reps 7kg now 10kg

All in all looking good but I have increased a further 2lbs in weight this week. hoping it's muscle! Lol

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Weigh in this morning was 15st 4.25lbs which means i've lost 2lbs this week, that's more promising :)

Also means i've lost all the Christmas weight and lost an additional 1.5lbs. Means i've lost over 20lbs since we started in September as well.

My 4 week target for today was 15st 5lbs so i'm 0.75lbs below that. Got to keep on going now, if I get to 15st in 5 weeks i'll be very happy.

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Weekly Weigh-in Sat 4 Feb

Weight: 18st 11.5lb (0.0lb)

Waist: 54in (0.0in)

Walking: 16km

(Targets for Q1/12: 17st 7lb, 51.5in, 25+km per week)

No change this week, time to make some more adjustments to regain the momentum. Fewer weak moments when looking at hotel menus and more walking required!

Once things are moving in the right direction again, I suspect it will be time to start planning ahead a little more. One of the first things I need to do is get a general health check-up before I embark on any more vigorous exercise. Not sure my joints would handle running just yet, but I think it'll soon be the right time to start making use of the exercise bikes and suchlike in the hotel gym (I'm generally there 2/3 nights a week). I also have a mate who'll lend me a bike (he has about 7!) to get me back in the saddle ... perhaps when it's a bit warmer!

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It's actually really nice running in the cold at night. Gives you a real lift. I'd start walking first then build up very slowly to running. It's hard at first but if you do it right very addictive. It also really great for getting fit.

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