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Fitness thread - Q1/12


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In which case I need to seek out a way around that. I can't believe all the meals in a pot are bad. Innocent do some for example which look ok and in general none of the meals I choose are massively high in fat I didn't think: Calories in Tesco Finest Paella - Nutrition Facts & Other Nutritional Information | LIVESTRONG.COM

Treadmill - incline sometimes, depends but I should use the hill profiles more. I also run outside so am less concerned with making sure the incline is spot on each time.

Edited by Andrew
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I am now down to 11 st 7lbs which I am happy with, don't really want to get much lower than that if I can help it. Had my BF% properly measured yesterday (12 site professional calliper measurement by a nutritionist) at came out at 12% which I am *very* pleased with as that's in the "athletic" range and 23% lower than when I started last April! Ideally I'd like to get down to single figures - I still have some room for improvement around my middle - which I think is pretty achievable if I carry on doing what I am doing.

I also smashed my 10k PB last weekend on a very hilly (15% in places!) course with 45:32 for 30th out of 137 and 12th in my age group (male under 40)! Marathon training is going well and I have my first proper test in a couple of weeks at the Bath Half (I am aiming for 1:50) which should be good.

I am also doing 3 days a week of strength and plyometric training, the weights I am lifting have increased massively over the last couple months, it's great to see progress.

Oh, and I wrote an article for Mens Running magazine which is out this week :D

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Well, I'm still doing 50-60 mins of cardio work, 3 times a week - plus I do an hour of circuit training on a Monday evening.

I'm not shifting any weight, and have been around 15 stone for over 6 months now - but I'm definitely getting thinner around the waist.

I may be running a mile for sport relief with our chief executive next month, too.... given that I work for one of our very biggest FTSE listed companies, I'm quite pleased that my colleagues have nominated me for the privilege.

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Well since i started the gym i aint lost any weight but am shaping up and this week will be increasing to 4 lunchtime sessions a week for 45min each time. 2 days are for weights and 2 days for Cardio on the cross trainer. +++

Also last night i managed to do 35 press ups in one set for the first time in my life. Normally do 3 sets of 12 but thought id see how long i can last in one go.

Im loving this fitness malarky. +++

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Well, after hitting the weights hard from Xmas I lost 2kgs from 90 down to 88. I then started taking one protein shake straight after the workout and I'm now up to 91kgs.

I've now decided to stop weighing myself and just go by strength and how my older jeans fit.

Hopefully the weather picks up in the next month or so and I can get out on the bike and really push the cardio on.

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  Hopsta said:
I started the couch to 5k last week as a way to kick start myself, the lighter evenings will be a welcome as I'm not a massive fan of running in the dark near home. Possible target of the Bluewater 10k in June, which I believe is achievable.

About time you did something, you fat bastard :P

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  Mook said:
OK, this is about trying to help you do the right thing, not discourage you - how are you using the cross-trainer? How long, how fast etc?

2 weeks ago i managed 20 min fat burn setting keeping the rpm between 60 and 65. Last week increased this to 30min and this week I'm planning on increasing this to 40min.

I notch up the standard difficulty level by a couple of digits and the map is like interval training. On 30min it said I burnt 350 calories if that means anything but going for 40min tomorrow.

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  fizzbitt said:
2 weeks ago i managed 20 min fat burn setting keeping the rpm between 60 and 65. Last week increased this to 30min and this week I'm planning on increasing this to 40min.

I notch up the standard difficulty level by a couple of digits and the map is like interval training. On 30min it said I burnt 350 calories if that means anything but going for 40min tomorrow.

When I use the cross-trainer (not often) I keep it as simple as possible, and just for warm-up/cardio purposes, before doing other resistance / interval stuff.

I do 35 mins in cardio mode (where the handles measure your pulse and adjust the resistance). I tend to go fairly fast so it keeps the resistance on level 1 or 2.

I set the cardio monitor to 155 and go fast till it gets up there and try and maintain it, but slow down if it gets to 160.

Most machines allow you to programme your age, sex, weight and then give you a target heart rate (which I adjust upwards before I start). The machine then adjusts resistance to keep you at that heart rate.

Its probably a better way than using the speed like you are Fizzbitt +++

You will see how you are improving....... as you start having to work harder to maintain the target heart rate. This will show in higher calories burned at the end of the sessions.

Edited by Soulboy
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