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Am I the first TT owner to post?


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ahahahah no your right i don't count!!

glad you found us..

so what do you think to the slating the new TT got on top gear tonight? i guess slating is too harsh! smile.gif

... "its only 15bhp more and its a heavier engine!"...

guess they expected the hair dressers couldn't handle anymore!! smile.gif HAHHah *ducks*

wayda go to encourage TT members bison! crazy.gif

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I think the thing is that I don't have to put my hairdryer down to change gear grin.gif

I must say, I am quite tempted by one, when the time comes to chop in the purple peril... Only 25 bhp more, but the V6 soundtrack and, although not a tweakable as the 1.8T, some tuning potential...


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Ih Kandys, hows Golf life treating you since our last get together at CC?

And as for the TT forum, well its grown up and is suffering from its own success. frown.gif

I now frequent many other forums where the banter and structure is how the old TT forum used to be, much better and chilled. smile.gif

TTR will probably be going soon and being replaced with something a bit secret(cant say what yet, incase it doesn't come off laugh.gif )

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