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Valentines Day card - do you bother?


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I think cards are one of the biggest rip offs and waste of money going. Consquently, I try very hard not to buy any.

Here I am, sat at my PC, listening to the radio (they've just been talking about cards for tomorrow) and filling time until I go to work. I haven't got my wife a card and there's a 1% chance I'll buy one on my way home tomorrow morning. She'll probably get me one and hate me for not getting one for her. So tomorrow I'll be in the dog house. :grin:

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Scotty, you're a braver man than me:grin:

I bought one becaus it is Valentines day and I do not want the grief that I might get but I do agree that romantic gestures can be at any time, I have just bought her something for 2014 (50th) which she keeps admiring but does not know I have bought.

do you buy her a birthday card?

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Card + flowers + champagne + underwear =:assfecking:, I am happy to be a marketing drone on Valentines :D

Lad's you need to accept that Valentines 'gestures' do pay dividends. Gave the flowers to her on Saturday, which saved money and got me an early treat. I'm seriously thinking of buying flowers every day.

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Got my card for free from cardtown with the free £5 coupon, roses from tesco, £5 for a dozen, job done, she's happy I don't get any grief.

Whatever you viewpoint on Valentines day, it's been around a long time, and it's not going anywhere, so it's got to be worth a few quid just to keep 'her indoor' off your back!

To be fair, that would normally be all she's getting, but this year we are also going out to a dinner dance evening of food, drink and comedy, which is more than she'd normally get.

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Oh she's just reminded me of a couple of years ago when I did do something on Valentines day.

You know those pics you see on the web of a Tesco's Value Valentine card......no I did not buy one.

I printed off the web picture, folded it up and gave it to her. Fortunately she saw the funny side. :D

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I hate it, but you have to play the game.

I agree with this, but I'm quite lucky to have a generally unfussy Valentine. I took a half day I was owed from work yesterday (it's not a surprise if it's actually on Valentine's Day is it?) to cook dinner. She does the cooking 363 of the other days, so why not?

The card is still in the cupboard because I forgot/ couldn't be arsed to write it out. I hate the B*stard things.

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So you spent a few quid on her, and in return, she 'let' you have some hanky panky, which one can only assume is far from a selfless act on her behalf?

Fecking women, it's not 'womens' day ffs, they are just as obligated to buy you cards/gifts etc as you are to them!

My Mrs got said card and flowers, and in return I got a card and some beer!

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