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  just_chick said:
No I havn't Chri5, not too hippy for me (you obviously havn't seen or met my parents lol) ..... do know someone who has just qualified to be a hypnotist too so i might see what she says +++

There's always the special green tea as borrowed from Dad's stash box. At if it doesn't make you sleep you will at least be happy and laughing.

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  just_chick said:
Fraid not, I'm still here ...... Think I slept Sunday night through but that was due to being so knackered from not sleeping for 4 previous nights.I also have some really weird odd bordering on nightmare type dreams just before I wake up, that's relatively new, some make sense and some don't ! Maybe I should pretend I've got a baby, surely guaranteed to make me want to sleep all night lol

4 nights!!.....when I hadn't slept a wink for 3 nights I had to finally admit defeat and make an appointment with the Dr.....when I turned up he looked more knackered than me and was incredibly sympathetic....I'v also suffered nightmare type dreams when I'v struggled to sleep.

Another problem with insomnia is that you'll rarely get any sympathy from anyone who hasn't suffered themselves....they just can't understand why you can't sleep after one sleepless night...let alone 2 or 3......if you do a bit of research on the subject you'll find insomnia affects millions of UK citizens.

Edited by Mr Man
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  Tipex said:
I wish I could get some of the lazy feckers out of their cars to actually knock on people's doors!

System my local firm uses is a few rings on your mobile when they're approaching your road. Seems to work pretty well.

Other companies go with the honking outside, and it's so ****ing annoying. I make a point of not using any cab firm I see doing that outside my place, cos that's how I get my militant rocks off.

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  Soulboy said:

> If you are worried, just change the thought pattern.

I go back in time and think of times/things from when I was younger.....holidays, family, girlfriends, discos, old friends, school days.....stuff which makes you smile inside that you havent thought about for years. Just let your mind wander - its amazing what you recall.

Not counting fkn sheep!!

Lol.....I used to imagine I was on a deep space mission to an alien World.....and it worked.

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well, you aren't the only one ... not saying I am normal tho' :uhoh:

Infact, from about age 6 til 9 years old i used to dream every night carrying on from where I left off the night before like a tv series ... never really mentioned it to anyone and it's kinda been forgotten over the years even tho' I still can remember the lead characters in the dream. I did probably think that was a bit odd but as I've never really said about it I'm not really sure if it is quite normal - the kids don't say but maybe I will ask ....

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Is it possible you don't need much sleep Faye?

I used to have a real pain sleeping mainly because I was trying to sleep roughly the same window as my partner 11/11:30 to 7:30am. My perception was I'd not sleep, wake up, get up irritable etc.

Finally worked out that for me 8 ish hours sleep is just too much. If I'm in bed for 8 hours it ruins my following day.

For me, 5-6 hours is about right. I go to bed midnight - 2:00am, up 6 to 8am, depending on schedule. If I do that, I rarely have issues sleeping as when I go to bed I *am* tired, and I mostly can get up without an alarm clock or certainly waiting for it.

Could be completely wrong for you of course, but it's something I've become very accustomed to now. I can't do the 'normal' 11pm thru 7:00pm sleep.

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I've been reading this wondering if I'm suffering with insomnia or if I just don't need that much sleep. Last night I went to bed at 03:10 and woke at 06:15. It's currently 01:00 so it's not like I've felt the need to "catch up".

I can't survive on 3 hours a night every night but I can for a number of nights running and then I may bank 6 or 7.

I can't remember the last time I had more than that.

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  Mac said:
System my local firm uses is a few rings on your mobile when they're approaching your road. Seems to work pretty well.

Other companies go with the honking outside, and it's so ****ing annoying. I make a point of not using any cab firm I see doing that outside my place, cos that's how I get my militant rocks off.

We don't allow our drivers to toot either, customers don't like it as it annoys their neighbours and is lazy.

We have the ring back service, and text back too, but some people don't realise its the cab firm calling, and you just can't go wrong if you simply knock on someones door.

What's more, if the driver is out of the car, they are more likely to assist passengers by carrying bags etc, and opening the car door for customers, which is something we insist they do.

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I have to confess, I've never had any problem sleeping. I happily sleep on the one hour train journey to and from work every day and need to be in bed by 2200 if I have to get up at 0530 to go for a run. If I sit anywhere for longer than half an hour, I'll be asleep TBH. Always been the case since I was born, apparently. I have very lucky parents :grin:

I have every sympathy for you, though. Like everyone, I get nights where I can't sleep at all. Generally it's because I've got stuff running through my mind though. I've also had close friends that don't sleep much. Including a particular lady who is up with the dawn to tend to her horse every day and works long hours to boot. As Mac says, some people just don't need much sleep to "reset". Is it worth dialling down the sleep time you allocate yourself to see if you can function fine on that?

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Interesting thread this.

With regard the amount of sleep Mac mentions - I know I need less as I get older. I accept that 6 hours is adequate now.

The nightmares, I also get all the time (especially after alcohol). I have repeat nightmares (since 2001....long story) that there is someone in the house and I am trying to attack them but cant move or shout. My g/f often wakes me up saying I am trying to shout and lash out, but just mumbling and trying to kick the bedsheets off.

The weird thing is, that when we had the robbery in 2007, it was exactly like my dreams - a masked gang smashing the front door down in the middle of the night and me trying to defend myself. It was actually less frightening in reality, than it was in the dreams

I also have the really bizarre situation where I am having a bad dream, but realise in my dream that I am just dreaming! I then pinch myself (in my dream) and realise that I cant feel it and therefore its not real.

I still cant wake up, but I end up in a dream, which I know is a dream.

I actually dread going to bed at various stages in my life nowadays.

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I'm not sure if I've ever had a nightmare to be honest, I'm always conscious that I'm dreaming, and even in the rare occasion as a child that I had a 'scary' dream, I knew it was a dream and so wasn't scared by it.

I can't imagine how it must feel to get genuine nightmares, you have to wonder why your brain does it, what is the purpose?

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Bizarrely I used to suffer from quite bad nightmares for a couple of years after uni. Believe me, they feel real. What was odd with mine was that I really couldn't remember their content, but I'd often wake up utterly terrified. I now it sounds a bit comical as an adult, but that couple of seconds of 'not quite awake yet' can feel like a lifetime.

Then they just stopped, don't think I've had a 'proper' nightmare in over 10 years.

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  • 10 months later...

I reckon I could post in this thread every night .... although I don't consider it insomnia.

It I just don't need much sleep then that's just it surely?

If the small amount of sleep I have caused an impact on work/family then I would call it insomnia.

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