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Glow plug warning light on VW Sharan Blue motion


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Hi All

Hope you can help. My Dad has a Vw sharan Blue motion 2ltr 2008. After 10 miles a warning light like a coil flashes. No isses with engine or power loss and continues to drive normally. The garage tell us the fuel addative tank is empty. What and where is this tank? Does it have to be done at a garage? What dose the addative do? What is the addative?

Any advice would be helpful.

Why do we not have a VW Sharan Section? Like the Vw Passat section!!!:)


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Do VW use the additive system? Didn't think they did.

The warning light could be one of many things, from a broken brake light switch (check the brake lights work when the coil is flashing), to a knackered ESP control unit, or as above, DPF regeneration, I've had all those faults, and the same warning light.

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