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6 weeks to lose 6lbs (or more) - do you want to?


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I never repair punctures now. Buy yourself some decent inner tubes - you can get 5 Continental tubes from Wiggle for £15 - don't buy cheap tubes made in China - crap rubber.

I think I've learnt my lesson on that one, I've got a feeling there's a Wiggle nearby to me so i'll go and take a look.Ta +++

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Shredded wheat for breakfast, fruit in the day, and a lean meal based on 75% veg. A 7-10 mile bike ride daily. Every other day 20 minutes of quick modest weight reps.

The bike stuff is all urban, Alexander Palace hill or Muswell hill hurt, but hey no pain no gain.

Two weeks later and 4 kg lost, the scales show up at 62 kg.

Still necking more weekly booze units than I should, but hey life is too short not to have some bad habits.

Is gin and tonic healthier than lager?

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6lbs in 6 weeks, i'm going to need to do a little better than that. After being out drinking on Friday night me and a mate agreed to a weight loss competition (we're both fat feckers and are about the same height) whoever loses the most by our mates stag do on a % basis is the winner, loser pays £50 to the other persons charity of choice. We're weighing in kg's as it will make it easier to calculate, started today...

Me 101.3kgs :eek:

Him 104kgs :eek: :eek:

Game on.

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Nice +++

When you're running, do you stay at the same pace the whole time?

If you don't, add in some interval running, so 1 minute at normal pace, then 1 minute flat out, 1 minute normal pace, 1 minute flat out, etc. Work up over time, so in week two, you're doing 1 minute normal pace, 2 minutes flat out etc.

This will burn more fat.

Also, the time of day you run is important - morning is the best, after you get up and before you eat anything. You're body will dig into its fat reserves to provide the energy needed to fuel your muscles.

Give it a go and let us know how you get on +++

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Give it a go and let us know how you get on +++

If you're not collapsed in a heap :)

I've managed to start doing chin ups :D I did try pull ups first :uhoh:, but can manage 5 sets of 1 rep with 1 min rest between each chin up now. What's the best way to up the ante? I managed a 1,1,1,1,2 this morning.

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I'll not tell you how many reps or sets I do each day then :P

To increase the number of reps you're doing, you'd normally do assisted chin ups/pull-ups, which you can do at most gyms with the right kit.

If you've nothing to work with like that, then keep persisting the way you are now, reducing the break-time between them. Really you're not doing 5 sets of 1 rep, you're doing 1 set of 5 reps with long breaks between reps.

Target doing a five rep set, reducing your break time between them over the course of three or four weeks, so start where you are with 1 minute breaks, working to 45 second breaks in week 2, 30 second breaks in week 3 etc. Use a watch/stopwatch to time the breaks and stick to the times +++

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Cheers. I haven't really bothered using a stopwatch so far, just load/ unload the dishwasher and generally do morning stuff while I "rest". Will amend that.

Is it ok to do them every day or should I be having a rest day between? Seems silly with such small reps, but don't need to start injuring a new part of me. Just come back from running issues.

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If your goal is weight loss, then pull ups/chin ups aren't going to do that much for you.

To lose weight, you need to increase your metabolism, and to do that, you need to work your larger muscle groups - which are your legs, back, chest in that order. Isolation exercises (that work one muscle group, e.g. bicep curls) aren't as effective as compound exercises (that work more than one muscle group, e.g. dead-lifts).

I'm part way through writing down the 6 lbs/6 week programme, where I explain all this. Kick off with squats, press-ups, star jumps etc +++

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Run at a steady pace tbh, still making me puff by the end, but getting better, slowly.

Usually run mid to late morning, or maybe lunch time before big food. Do have a bit of breakfast at about 0700.

It's all gone wrong tonight though....

2 pints, 3/4 of a bottle of red, another pint and a load of bad pub food.

Woo hoo! :):P :D

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Did another 8 mile ride last night at an average of 10 mph and also have cut back the crap i'm eating. I'm fecking determined to win this bet and get into decent (well better) shape by Feb next year. Currently trying to find some cycle routes around me, as I have to go out in the evening it tends to be 8 o'clock or so and it's starting to get dark so need places that are preferably slightly lit and not too busy. I've seen the council have got some maps of routes in the local area so going to build up to their 16 mile route around Portsea Island.

How long before I convince the wife I need a new bike? :grin: I'm finding that using an old mountain bike on roads and cycle paths is probably more knackering than it needs to be, that's a good thing though +++

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Interesting thread, just recently back from America and now in proper weight loss mode after the 3 cooked meals a day I've been enjoying for the last 2 weeks. Cycling and running are the main events of the day with a few circuits inside before bed. As much as I try I'm not a morning person so it's usually straight after work for me and cutting out developer food +++

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