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Sorry to hear this PinkPrincess. All I can do is wish you well and say that no matter how bad it might feel now, the position/situation will improve and you'll move on. I appreciate that might not be what you want to hear - but it's usually the truth.

There'll come a day when it is little but a hazy and distant memory, and bear in mind...you've got your children. That matters more than almost anything else.+++

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No I didn't see it coming.

Ifeel like I have noone as friends were our friends, plus he staying wuth one of them and sees others weekly.

Sad when you only have people on internet to talk to,hey.

Im very determined to be a strong mummy to my beautiful girls, but also kerp my own identity.

Not that anyone could take that away from me as im very unique looking lol

Only good thing is the weight loss but thats through lack of food, but I have bo appetite.

im on my phone, sorry for any mistakes, know it bugs you guys.

I miss not having people to text/email and I find the evenings extremely lonely, doesn't help I haven't been on my own since I was 13, still scared of thr dark, thunder and lightening etc etc.

I'm still in thr family home, trying to sort out benefits but my house is 650 a month, before my bills and council tax. Hummfff looks like me and girls will have to move. Couldn't come at a worse time tbh, I'm having surgery next month, my youngest breng tested for autism and eldests night terrors getting worse. All 3 of ud are under consultants.

I have no job either :-(

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Not eating won't help. Try to eat normally or at least eat something when your kids eat. Your kids can pick up on stuff and (hidden) stress from you.

Are your parents nearby (sorry if you've told us before, I have a crap memory) to help/talk to?

Presume all your friends know? There must be some who you can talk too - without judgement/tale telling?

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Firstly, ask for help, don't be proud or worry about what people think. Ask female friends of they can come around to talk / help with kids, maybe friends with other kids too? If your friends are close to your other half, your situation will feed back to him I am sure.

Then talk through the situation, try to understand what has happened and why. Don't get emotional, don't shout, try to focus on the positives and pleasant times together (easy to type, I know). Ask him back to talk, of possible not infront of the kids, just the two of you.

Thirdly, do not run to the arms of another. It's very early days in all this, and whilst I don't know the details, what you do now will shape the eventual outcome.

I found it better not to move on, but to focus on me and work through these issues as one person, unclouded by others thoughts, judgements and inputs.

It's hard, really hard on your own, but I think it was the right thing for me to do. You may be different, but don't do anything too hastily.

Can you move in with your mum in the short term? She might appreciate the income / company, and you might appreciate the family support too. I'd he is working, he'll have to give you money for child support, DO NOT invlove the CSA as yet, try to work it out quickly and pleasantly between you.

Be strong, I hope things work out for the best for you and the kids I really do.

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Firstly im safe in my house for now, no I wouldn't move in with my mum lol. To independent to do that, moved out at,17.

ive listened to him, he wants space, wether it be a week or a year he doesn't know, doesn't really help with me and thr girls.

I ask for help but not many come.oyr mates don't have children so don't understand. Plus I don't have a lot of mares as they ditched me when I got pregnant.

Our friends are more his friends so don't feel I can talk to them

Have been to cab, sorting finances is a little overwhelming tbh.

I'm not going to jump into anyones arms, thats just not me.

I just miss having someone to cuddle up with, chat too, text, email.


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  PinkPrincess said:
he wants space, wether it be a week or a year he doesn't know.

That old chestnut eh, basically translates as he doesn't have the bollox to tell you the truth, you either want to be with someone, or you don't, I don't see any middle ground.

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Life is shite sometimes.

Move on, don't waste energy being remorseful of if's and but's, maybe's, doubts or blame.

The positive is that you get to start a new stage of life, and be glad for the memories, the kids and the knowledge that comes with experience.

You make it sound very final, are you both mature enough to put aside any bad feelings and concentrate on having a amicable split, resolve support and child access issues and both of you considering the kids first?

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  PinkPrincess said:
if he is positive he.doesn't want me then its his loss but I need tio wait to find that bit out first.

F*ck that, don't wait for him, he's gone, don't allow him an opportunity to come back, he can't have his cake and eat it, if you take him back, how long until he does it again? Tell him you aren't waiting for a decision, he's made his move, and that's that.

Every time he fancies banging someone else, he'll just 'need some space'.

Keep it amicable, for the kids sake, but you deserve someone who respects you, and want's to be with you.

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Straight talking Tipex speaks sense. :(

Sorry to hear of the situation, not nice, but as everyone has said be strong for girls AND for you. I know it's easy for us to sit here and type words not going through what you are. However, I'd have a good guess that most on here have been through some nasty times at some point in life and you can take their advice and empathy genuinely.

Keep it together, get all the support you can both physically and financially and don't let him dick you about.

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