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What exercise do you do now? (this will lead into the TsN Q4 2012 Fitness Programme)


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Road biking makes me fitter. MTB is more fun. Road is more aerobic and applies directly to MTB climbing.

My friend found that a HRM was useful, he found that he wasn't working as hard on his MTB as he thought.

Group riding is helpful. I ride with a group, sometimes quite big and varied in fitness level. Often there is somebody who is fitter/has-a-lighter-bike. Chasing them up a hill makes it interesting.

If you are a similar level then just hang back at the start and go for it!

Strava - if you are on lonesome then you could try this on your local route. Only helps as a post-ride-analysis.

Racing? All sorts of racing is possible. Due to the time of the year cyclo-cross must be an option.

Mud - saps so much energy/speed. If you can ride through the winter you will come out of it fitter/stronger.

The best thing I have ever bought is good lights. It allows me to ride all through the evening no matter what time of the year it is.

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Having not done much real exercise in the last 15 years i'm slooooowly starting again, bike ride once or twice a week for 30 minutes to an hour. I've noticed after a couple of weeks it is getting slightly easier, still not sure about the knee though, going to go for a ride tonight (having rested it for the last 5 or 6 days) and see how it feels tomorrow.

As for 6lbs in 6 weeks. Pah. Having just gone to the eat less and do a little bit of exercise diet i've lost 6.25lbs in 13 days.*

*I suspect a fair bit of that may be water now I have to try and keep it off by building up my general fitness

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I got the gears sorted on it at the weekend (I only had a small proportion of what I should have had and was missing most of the lower gear combinations) so I can at least knock it down a few and have a slightly easier pedal even if my legs do look like something out of a cartoon as they fly around. +++

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If you want to use biking to get fitter, then pedalling flat-out on downhills and on the flat is an excellent way to get there, then load the gears for uphill - stay seated for as long as you can, only getting out of the seat for serious climbs (watch what they do in the Tours).

The important thing is to keep your legs loaded - always pedalling some load, rather than spinning round too fast, or you risk buggering your knees +++

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So you're saying I should have stuck with the knackered gears then? :grin:

It's pretty flat where I am so i've been going at a reasonable (for an unfit overweight person) pace on the flat, and as you suggest I only tend to stand up if my speed drops off too much when going over a bridge or the like.

I've just remembered i've got to go to a neighbourhood watch meeting this evening :uhoh: so going to have even less time. I've just had a look on map my ride and planned out a 7.5 mile ride which i'm going to aim to do in 45 minutes, if I can do that I know i've made a little bit of progress.

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Did the 7.5 mile ride tonight just got back in. These endorphins you speak of, are they the things that make you go BUZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ after you've stopped????

It started pissing down with rain about 10 minutes from home so i'm soaked, I learnt that wearing glasses when cycling into driving rain isn't much good for visibility. Also need to tweak my front dérailleur as the chain was rubbing very slightly on the two large cogs.

Good news is that I did the cycle in 40 minutes which meant I averaged 11.25 mph. Very pleased with that as it only included 2 20 second stops for a gasp of air and a glug of drink.

Am I allowed a beer now?

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Nope :P

Try increasing your overall road speed to 15mph. That's a decent target to be aiming for and very realistic +++

Well I did. Just the one. :P

15mph, are you having a fecking laugh? that's going to kill me. Very realistic - not. Have you seen the size of me?

On the plus side I lost another 2.25lbs last week so 7.25lb in 2 weeks now.

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Road stuff is easy? Now now Mook, let's not have handbags about whose chosen sport is harder than the other. :P

That's not what I meant :P

Actually, they're bloody closely matched, it's just the distances that are very different - 120K sportives versus 40-50K MTB. Reckon it's more about the hours +++

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