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The clean look


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I never thought I'd say it but it looks a bit ordinary without the stickers. I'd put good money on the fact that as well as saying BUY BLUE when you ordered it, I was also saying lose the stickers, but I quite like them!

Edited: but now I've seen that pic of your actual car I wonder if the gold wheels (missing on the other pics) do enough to lift the car and losing the stickers woudl look better than if the wheels were not gold.

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Over the last couple of years, 18k miles and lots of trackdays the car has picked up a few stone chips so I'm getting her reprinted and put back to new, where I will then put a shield on. Stickers obviously have to come off, new ones from pork a over a grand a set so was toying with the idea of either doing some custom ones or putting none on and leaving it clean. I'm open to views and ideas! Wheel cols, graphic cols and styling are all up for debate, I could go custom?

Ive also bought a couple of toys for it to make it the absolute dogs dangles ! ;)

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I take it that when they are removed the stickers are fecked?

I love the clean lines without them, bu maybe you should factor in purchasing (and storing) some replacement stickers. Then should you ever want to sell, and the potential new owners winge about a lack of stickers you can start blowing raspberries at them.

Stickers off is good, but maybe not for a future owners who might want it eom, as it left the factory. How much is a sticker set?

Missed the prev post, Sam. A grand, whooooooooooo, falls off chair!
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I take it that when they are removed the stickers are fecked?

I love the clean lines without them, bu maybe you should factor in purchasing (and storing) some replacement stickers. Then should you ever want to sell, and the potential new owners winge about a lack of stickers you can start blowing raspberries at them.

Stickers off is good, but maybe not for a future owners who might want it eom, as it left the factory. How much is a sticker set?

Actually closer to 1500 from memory!

i can however get them copied in another colour (they can't match the gold) for £250 so colour changes are an option and I could repaint wheels, mirrors and winglets too?

im not as worried about resale as this car is a keeper.

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Leave the stickers off and remove the GT3 RS badge from the back. Paint the wheels, mirrors and inserts anthracite and go for the stealth (as long as you've got your ears closed :)) look +++

Pare there any good photochopers that could help me.

id like to see mooks suggestion with but with the stickers in grey - plus I'd also like to see a metallic navy contrast and silver metallic contrast.

Hope someone cold help me, car is going in t the body shop this week! ;)

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