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944 Turbo S - Project Time


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Got the car back today :)

Started it up and it sounded like a Singer.

Unfortunately, not the £300k Singer 911s but a Singer sewing machine :(

The fuel injectors can be a bit noisy when cold but this was ridiculously loud. It must have been down to the car standing about and being briefly started to move about the Bodyshop.

Anyway, thing started to quieten down as I made my way home and the engine came up to temp. I was concentrating so hard on listening for injector noise that I carelessly missed the turning to my house and had no other option but to spend the next 45 mins attacking some of my favourite a and b-roads just to be sure the noise wasn't going to come back.

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All cars are female.


Because all men like there to be something female in their life that, sometimes, does as they ask +++


I used to wonder about the Defender, it always seemed a bit butch for that.  Then when she had a hissy fit after hearing me mention that I was trading her in the next day, I realised she must be female.  So indeed, all cars are female, but Defenders are often out servicing the dykes and the stonewalls...

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  • 2 weeks later...

I decided to make a start on changing the ABS pump tonight. It sits behind the driver's side wing so the car needs to be jacked up, wheel removed, arch liner removed and then about 10 bolts to be removed, some tricky, some easy and the last three a nightmare to remove the wing and then you can get cracking on the ABS pump itself followed by bleeding the brakes.

I jacked the car up, chucked an axle stand under it and removed the wheel. Went back inside and got through 4x50ml Whisky miniatures, 3 Peronis and a load of cheese whilst watching Talladega Nights on DVD. I'm off work for two weeks, no rush :)

Edited by eldavo69
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Well, did the ABS pump at the weekend.

Managed it from underneath and in the wheel arch so much easier than removing the wing first.

All going so well bar the last retaining nut that was rusted to funk and very inaccessible. 45 mins careful Dremeling and chiseling saw it off and then I changed the pump over.

Picked up some new brake fluid on Monday and got round to bleeding the brakes yesterday while the Mrs went out shopping with the in-laws.

Gunson Easibleed proving it's worth once again - but when I'd finished I had no brakes at all. Pedal straight to the floor, system felt full of air - nothing!

Tried rebleeding them with F-i-L doing pedal pressing bit still nowt - scratched head and went inside to ask for help on the Porsche forum.

A couple of hours later . . . .

Feel like a complete div when it's pointed out to me that unlike the sliding calipers on my last car, the Brembos on the Turbo have a second bleed nipple on the inboard side for bleeding the other caliper half. That's today's job then :)

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Feel like a complete div when it's pointed out to me that unlike the sliding calipers on my last car, the Brembos on the Turbo have a second bleed nipple on the inboard side for bleeding the other caliper half. That's today's job then :)


To be fair, that would have caught me out, too.

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