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Expressions of interest please - The 2013 "Car Club 18-30" event.


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  • 1 month later...

Right, I've just emailed this round, please pass on to anyone we missed;


Firstly; an apology, we’ve been snowed under with stuff lately so the impending 18-30 trip has taken a bit of a back seat. Until now. If you’re in, tell us now, if you’re out, tell us now. We really need to know who is joining this car conga to the continent.

Dates – meet at Brands Hatch in Kent early on Tuesday 30th July, first night’s stay will be revealed (same format as last year, big place, lots of Hotels you can book en-route), 2nd day and night is at the ‘ring, you can book anywhere you like yourself direct. It shouldn’t be too busy, the NS is mostly closed, although the GP circuit is open in the early evening so that’s where we’re heading for late Wednesday 31st July. If you like fast circuits with plenty of run-off, this is the place, hardly any traffic and no need to come off after every lap. You pay for 20 minutes and drive like Schuey (Darryl). Or Maldonado (Mook). We finish there on Thursday 1st, you can make your own way back at your own pace. Qualifying cars only, please, you know the rules. No car = no play. Some folks will have spare seats so ask around if you want to come but don’t have access to some 18-30 year old wheels.

If there are enough people going, I’ll do a similar treasure hunt to last year, if it’s a smaller group then we’ll just hoon over there and skip the looting and pillaging treasure hunt bit.

What next ? EMAIL US RIGHT BACK ! Please. Can you also forward this email to anyone else who might be interested (no knobbers) and anyone I might have missed.

Hope you can make it, are you in, or out ?


Rich and Daz

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  • 2 weeks later...

First night stopover; was torn between expensive and classy place in small town, and cheap and colourful in bigger place in a different country. Have gone for the latter. Treasurehunt will be... interesting. :D

I think last year's 18-30 story is finally in PPC Mag this month, out last week, not had chance to read my copy yet.

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Most large Tesco stores sell it, although I appreciate it's still a 20 mile drive to your gatehouse before you're even on public land!

Can't you pick one up when you're out for a jog or on your pushbike? At least you'd have a purpose for either then!

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Don't be stupid - everyone knows the drive is only 2 miles long.

Tesco?!?!? :eek:

If it's not sold in Waitrose, I don't want to know :D

And the purpose of running or biking is not to pick something up - it's to get round faster than you did last time :rolleyes::P

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I don't know how Waitrose survive sometimes, hugely overpriced and no better quality than Sainsburys or any of the others.

In fact, Mrs T won't touch fruit and Veg from Waitrose, it might just be a problem with our local store, but it's really not good, Morrisons seems to be best around here for freshness.

We get all our meat from our excellent award winning local butcher, just wish we had a decent greengrocers so we didn't have to buy any fresh stuff from supermarkets, as it's all shîte compared to a proper greengrocers.

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Waitrose is stupidly successful (maybe not where you are), because in the same way that John Lewis do, they properly get customer service. No surprise there, really.

Our local one is always, always busy. They're at least 20% more expensive on most stuff, despite Mrs Mook denying it :rolleyes:

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The best bit about John Lewis is the never knowingly undersold bit. Waitrose don't do that. What customer service do you need that you can't get in Sainbury's?

Most people like shopping in Waitrose because it's 20% more expensive and that gives them a middle class hard-on.

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I've always been happy with the service from John Lewis, but in terms of supermarkets, I've never experienced 'better' customer service from any one of them?

They all have queues if it's busy, they all run out of stuff at the end of the day, they all have miserable/nice/happy people on the tills.

In terms of services, Tesco provide more, for example, click and collect, store and product finder apps, home delivery etc etc, and i've never had poor service from them, so what is 'better' about Waitrose in terms of customer service?

I'm not saying you aren't correct, i've just never experienced 'better' service in any of the supermarkets?

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  Tipex said:
I'm not saying you aren't correct

FML - you're mellowing in your old age :P

  Tipex said:
i've just never experienced 'better' service in any of the supermarkets?

OK - Asda - no member of staff I've ever come across has ever seemed to give a toss about customer service. Ask them to point you to where you can find whatever, and they march across and just grunt "there", or say "aisle 14". I seriously dislike the shopping experience in Asda. Pile it high and sell it cheap. Yes, some people like that - I don't.

Tesco - similar, but the shopping experience in-store isn't what I would call nice. Stark lighting, not so switched on staff (almost the same as Asda) and not that good a choice of any one product in loads of sizes.

Sainsbury - have shopped there for a long time and go there by default, even though it's further away, because it's similar prices to Tesco and they have wider choice than Tesco (where we are).

Waitrose - they are really choosy about their staff and the staff will go out of their way to help you out. I shop probably 30% in Waitrose and the rest in Sainsbury. The experience in Waitrose is a lot nicer - ambience, attitude, friendliness. You pay for that, with higher prices.

For me, it's got feck all to do with wanting to say I shop in Waitrose (apart from when I'm taking the piss!) - if people think I'm a middle-class muppet for shopping there, that's fine. I can't deny I'm middle-class. I can say I've worked for everything I have. What's wrong with that?

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  Mook said:
I can't deny I'm middle-class. I can say I've worked for everything I have. What's wrong with that?

Nothing +++

I go to Waitrose to get my lunch because it's just round the corner from my office, and if I had to walk to Tesco every day then I might actually lose some weight.

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