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Photos of your Audi A8/S8


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I had the opportunity to test some Zymöl Concours Glaze, so this is the result of that.

First I did some prepping with the Poorboy's SSR line, then the Zymöl HD Cleanse (they claim this step is necessary before applying any Zymöl wax), and finally the Concours Glaze as finish.

Not the cheapest wax around, but the results are quite satisfactory.

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Prompted by the splendid weather today, the car got a spruce up and during a little round the town cruise I took some snaps! Ok ok its bog standard and only a little 2.8 - but I am reasonably pleased with the looks - recently ditched the orange repeaters and the rear badges..

Spec - 2.8 (1998) came with: Solar sunroof, heated front and rear seats, popup headlight washers, and lovely BOSE sounds..


Grey goes with the sky over the lake district hills.. (or some other arty b****x)


yes I do need some different rims, I know..


even cleaned the inside a bit


getting artistic..


nice butt..





few stone chips and laquer touch up needed here..


Edited by harpersimon
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So you've finaly decided to treat your 8 to a wash then Simon:p just kidding looking good especialy with the repeaters +++(subtle yet a must have mod). I was surprised to see the high spec of your car lovely example. did you get that oil/ hesitation thing sorted?

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Excellent, at last there's a picture of one filthier than mine:D. I claim this spot now for piccies of meine kleine autobus.

Monday morning, as you all slave into work I shall be out washing and waving a rag in the general direction of it then I shall shower forth images of the horror story that is my paintwork.

You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll wonder just how unpopular the previous owner was.



Edited by BillBlank
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