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Hi Everyone, I love my S8.....


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Hi everyone at tyresmoke :)

I'm a 55 year old muisc nut and have loved powerful cars since my early years when i got to watch a custom car run drive through our village ( now sprawling town :() and i got to see boss 302 mustangs, early camaro's, corvettes, challengers, buicks, Zephyr's, zodiacs, jags and all kinds of custom jobs, pops etc you name it and they all burbled through our village and sounded amazing and so i was hooked.

Deep Purple, Zepp, Floyd, Sabbath, Heep, Tamla Motown, rock'n'roll and much more came from the open windows and I couldn't believe how excited it all made me feel.

I have had quite a few cars in my time, but have also had 2 evil wives that decided they wanted everything I'd ever worked for so had to lose it all but now i have me self a gorgeous lady and we dont plan to get married as we are happy as we are and she actually encouraged me to go for my dream car which for a few years now has been the Audi S8 +++:cool:

I have always loved the idea of owning an Audi but up until now couldn't find one that i really liked and what really made me go for it of all things was a couple of sentences from Jeremy Clarkson.

He was testing the S8 2002 Final edition and uttered the lines "This car is luxurious and violently fast" & "Make no mistake this car is a nutter" and so it came to pass I had to have one, and about 3 moths ago I saw one on a site called "Piston Heads" and went for it and am now a proud owner of my dream car:D

The bloke i bought it off had owned it since new and spared no expense keeping it running just the way it should, its Avus silver Final Edition with dark blue leather interior and burlwood style dash and trimmings, all singing all dancing 360bhp 4.2 V8 limited to 155mph, tiptronic box with 78,500 on the clock and 20inch 9 spoke alloys and with new cambelt, water pump, and tensioners I couldn't be happier:p ( he said smugly ha ha )

Seriously though I'm glad I'm here as the whole reason i found tyresmoke was i was looking for some advice as my drivers side brake calliper had locked on and I found a garage very close to where I live now in one of your threads and it has worked wonders for me so thanx to all who are here as it sure helped me out and I'd like to be able to return the favour:cool:

The garage in question are called "Autopool" in Iver Bucks, and the guys there couldn't be more helpful.

Kind regards all


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Hi, they do all sorts i think, when i paid them a visit to show the car off and drop some beers off for them they had other A8's and S8's and a few BM,s and Range Rovers so high end stuff really, but they are a smallish firm and seem really friendly and more than enthusiastic about performance and prestige type cars so will be going there when things need doing.

I'd only just got my MOT done at another garage i've been using for about 5 years now and they MOT and sort my van for me so i can remain mobile for work but i think i'll take my S8 to the new place in Iver+++

Thanx mate glad to be here :DI take it your avatar is of a caterham? i'm not too good at the caterhams and morgans etc

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No worries patently glad to be of help +++you sound well into your car and busy with it too

Thanks Mook i feel at home already in the nuthouse i think i'm gonna like it here :cool: what do you drive?

Theduisbergkid what do you drive? i've got some pics of my S8 i'l put 'em up when i get a chance

Thanks for making me so welcome :grin:

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Hi Mark

Nice ride. I always liked that shape of A8/S8. I even had one for a short while albeit just an A8. It was a 2001 4.2, and for what it cost it was incredible. It was the first car I bought after my 996 Turbo lost me my licence! Final edition S8 is lovely mate, congrats again.

And always good to hear such positivity in a post, refreshing, thank you. :) I tend to come and go around here but been about a while. Look forward to having a read of further posts.

Good luck with the car. I am currently awaiting my new (to me) car. Nothing like getting a new car NO MATTER WHAT IT IS. :) :) :)

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