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Football results today


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Real didn't deserve to lose that.


Awful refereeing decision to send Ramos off and I thought Real should have had a penalty when Pique handballed it.


Just wrecked an otherwise spectacular game.


p.s. Bale was shite.  Worst Real player on the pitch in my opinion.  Did nothing but try to rely on speed and Barca just forced him wide every time and he did nothing.

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I can't see how the panel concluded it didn't deserve a red card. It was one of the best one handed diving saves I've seen this season.


As for the ref getting away with such a shocking error, this only widens the credibility gap. Football referees will never be respected unless they are made to face up to their mistakes. If there were consequences, maybe they'd make fewer of them.

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I thought it was inevitable that both players would get off in the circumstances, but I thought it was idiocy of the FA to actually state the diving save was not a red card offence anyway.

I do have some sympathy with the Ref - he checked with his officials who let him down and for all the "Ox tried to tell him" - saw the MoTD and it wasn't really a vociferous "it was me guv"

Oh well.


Tonight I think will be a really interesting match.

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Every now and then Man City do fail spectacularly (not quite in AFC's league) but it has been known where they just don't turn up.



Versus Watford in the first half

Cardiff at the start of the season.


Good physical game is needed (as Mr G said) with red cards aplenty to key players!

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