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Monkey off the Arsenal back for a while, I see it as a stepping stone. A confidence boaster.

I'll not harp on about the negative posts since those are mere opinions, oddly from Manchester's second tier club supporters. I guess having nothing positive to say about their club means they need to deflect home woes by having a go at other clubs.

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I'll not harp on about the negative posts since those are mere opinions, oddly from Manchester's second tier club supporters. I guess having nothing positive to say about their club means they need to deflect home woes by having a go at other clubs.


I guess it makes a change though. I mean usually all that deflection stuff comes from Spurs fans... :P

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Monkey off the Arsenal back for a while, I see it as a stepping stone. A confidence boaster.

I'll not harp on about the negative posts since those are mere opinions, oddly from Manchester's second tier club supporters. I guess having nothing positive to say about their club means they need to deflect home woes by having a go at other clubs.

What do you mean nothing positive to say? They have a young manager with an excellent track record of PL stability hand-picked by Fergu.....Oh.

I mean - they have a manager confirmed and fast approah to the transfer market all handled in a way befitting a global....Oh.


As you were..... :coffee:

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Actually, Tipex, no the best team doesn't always win in a one-off match.


I'd agree with you over a season, in a competition such as the Premier League, but certainly not in the FA Cup final.


The free kick that Cazorla scored from shouldn't have been a free-kick.


The corner that Arsenal scored from, wasn't a corner - it was a goal kick that the officials got wrong.


The Arsenal fans will point to Hull decisions but they were nothing like as obvious as the Arsenal ones.


The best team lost.  The luckiest team won.


The hype over a single FA Cup win is frankly hilarious.  I'm beginning to think the small team won.  The bigger team, Hull, wouldn't have reacted as ludicrously as Arsenal fans are!

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If Arsenal had a shite season. On top of the PL for 118 days, a difficult run through the FA Cup which was won, out the group stages of the CL, qualified for CL 2014/15, then what did Man Utd have- an unlucky season?

Sacked the new manager

Failed to retain the PL trophy

A trophy absent season

7th in the league

No Euro play next year

Loss of key old boy players

Well done Man Utd, long may similar performances continue.

Edited by Calm Chris
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You don't get it, do you? :roflmao:


Yes, of course United had a shite season!


However, they've not gone 10 years since winning the Premier League and 9 years since winning anything whatsoever!


I take great pleasure in watching fans of other clubs thinking this is some kind of long-term demise.  When they're Arsenal and Newcastle fans though, it adds to the hilarity that is the optimism of the small club fan! :roflmao:

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However, they've not gone 10 years since winning the Premier League and 9 years since winning anything whatsoever!


You're on year 1 of a very long run of being an also ran :roflmao:

Seriously, you can't see it because you're [still] living off the memories of past success. Everyone else can see that the era is over. There are better teams out there now. You can forget the CL as well. Even the best of British football can't compete with the best of Europe, so you've got no chance. To us, you're just another Everton now :grin:

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Seriously, you can't see it because you're [still] living off the memories of past success. Everyone else can see that the era is over. There are better teams out there now. You can forget the CL as well. Even the best of British football can't compete with the best of Europe, so you've got no chance. To us, you're just another Everton now :grin:


I hope your train breaks down and you're stuck in a tunnel for 5 hours. :P

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11th August 2013.

Which means that, even in a shite season, we won more than Liverpool did ;)

:roflmao: how pathetic.

I took a 50p bet with myself that NNMM would resist using the Community Shield as a response to that query but you just wouldn't be able to resist AND Liverpool would be part of the reply. :roflmao:

I'm off to spend my ill-gotten gains now +++

Edited by Waylander
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I only see 1 person really deriding the FA Cup - and his usual prediction curse seems to have stopped Hull winning it, too ;)


Personally, I was gutted Arsenal won it, as it means they've equalled United's 11 wins now.


Also think there are some players at United who'll look back on their careers and wonder how they never won an FA Cup, given that they've won everything else (Premier League, European Cup, World Club Cup / Championship, even the League Cup).

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