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Football results today


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Those Arsenal fans who abused Wenger at Stoke station. Scum. Every football club has them and every time they climb out from under their rock managers and chairmen must wonder why they bother.

It's even worse at smaller clubs where the scum can occasionally mobilise a misguided mob to make enough noise to influence the club.

First rule of being a good football chairman. Never ever listen to the fans.

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There's video footage out there. Wenger and the team were confronted by a group of Arsenal fans at Stoke station who proceeded to give Wenger in particular absolute dog's abuse. The footage was played on Radio 5 but there were too many bleeps to actually make out what they were shouting.

Same old problem. Mob mentality and the belief they can shout what they like without consequence.

As I said. Scum.

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Rodgers is proving it was a one-season fluke courtesy of a high quality player (albeit piece of scum) and a partnership he struck up with a striker.


Now, he's having to build a team and his money hasn't been well spent.


However, earlier today I heard on the radio that it is highly unlikely John Henry will fire him.  That seems to be because they know he has over-achieved last season although they would have wanted CL football at the end of this season.  I don't see that happening right now but I'm not convinced they'll fire him.

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I have heard that a couple of times today too.

Sunday will be miserable.

Rodgers has demonstrated he has no idea how to set up a defence.

Our Keeper is cr@p with the distribution skills of Yodel.

We had success last season with 2 strikers so this year he decides to go with 1 rubbish one each game.

Everyone and his dog knows you just have to be remotely organised and our attackers don't have any means to penetrate.

Today he goes with wingplay AFTER he hauls off our lone big striker.

His buys have been poor poor poor.


Can you tell I am mildly disillusioned by Buck?

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There's video footage out there. Wenger and the team were confronted by a group of Arsenal fans at Stoke station who proceeded to give Wenger in particular absolute dog's abuse. The footage was played on Radio 5 but there were too many bleeps to actually make out what they were shouting.

Same old problem. Mob mentality and the belief they can shout what they like without consequence.

As I said. Scum.


I'm sorry to say it - but that is Arsenal fans.


Not all, certainly not all, but I keep saying this....they are easily the most fickle in football by an absolute mile.


Wenger wins a few games, they love him.  They've just qualified for the last 16 of the CL (with a game to spare a few weeks back) and they loved him - then they lose to a team that always bully them into submission (was it a surprise?  No) and now they're abusing him at a train station.  It is no different to the abuse he gets said about him on Twitter day in and day out, or them wanting him sacked last year.


He signs Ozil - they love him.


Ozil proves to be a bit crap over a season - they hate Wenger.


He signs Sanchez - they love him.


Now...wait until my earlier season prediction comes true (because it will where Sanchez is concerned) - when he disappears after Christmas.  He always does.  He's done it for years in Barca and Arsenal isn't going to change that.  Because when he goes AWOL on the pitch and his form disappears, that's when Arsenal have got problems.


I feel for Wenger.  He's an intelligent man who knows football.  He's given a team that, let's be honest, has never really achieved much in its entire history, 3 Premier League titles, 5 FA Cup's, a CL final (albeit not the trophy) and more success then they've known in a very long time - and they want him sacked and abuse him.


Let's put things into context....


Arsenal have won 13 'titles'.  Wenger has won 3 of those.  5 of them were in the 1930's.  1 in the 1940's.  1 in the 1950's.  Sunderland have won 6 titles!


He's won 5 of their 11 FA Cups.


They've never won the Champions League and never really looked like they would.


In other words, this isn't a winning club.  It has never been a club known for big achievements. 


It isn't Liverpool or Manchester United.    It is just a slightly above average club with slightly above average players and fans that love to think they support a club that should be winning things.  Well guess what?  You don't.  They're just another London club with higher than reasonable expectations and fans that are so fickle you might expect them to start supporting the next club that wins anything.  That has always been Arsenal fans.  I'm almost 46 years old and that is all I've ever known them be like.


This isn't a tiny minority that want him out either, it is a lot more than that as the booing at the matches tells you. 


Of all the clubs and all the fans (with one club excluded because they're not really a club, just an excuse for thuggery), there isn't another set of fans I have less respect for - and they prove why on a weekly basis right now.


p.s. and I love the fact Arsenal fans think Klopp would join them in a heartbeat.  Deluded. :roflmao:


Edited by NewNiceMrMe
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Bloody young whipper snapper. When I grew up, Liverpool were the original glory hunter's team. That's why I went for United, who were a hopelessly underperforming basket case of a club at the time. But at least they were from Manchester rather than Liverpool. Then when I was a little older my Dad (a City fan!) took me to watch Oldham so I sort of ended up supporting both. :uhoh:

The thing with most fans is they're basically kids. I'd be surprised if any of those morons abusing Wenger at Stoke ever saw their beloved team under George Graham.

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What a complete load of bollocks.

Especially coming from someone who supports the original 'glory hunter' team.

That has always been Man U fans, I'm 37 years old and that's all I've ever known them to be.


Blah blah heard it all before.  I was supporting United as you were being born, in the stadium, when success was long gone and had to wait a very long time for it to come back. +++

The glory supporters are there, yes.  However, it isn't bollocks.

As Garcon said, anyone of my or similar age certainly didn't start supporting United for glory - because Liverpool, Forest and Villa were the teams of that age.

On the subject of devout fans supporting Moyes (Torino101), you'll never find a post from me asking for a United manager to be sacked.  Not then, not now, not ever.  It isn't what a real supporter does and I do believe I can be found to have maintained that line in any posts about football. +++


The vats majority of people in the stadium held that view about Moyes.  The minority wanted him out, not the majority.

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On the subject of devout fans supporting Moyes (Torino101), you'll never find a post from me asking for a United manager to be sacked.  Not then, not now, not ever.  It isn't what a real supporter does and I do believe I can be found to have maintained that line in any posts about football.  +++


This I actually agree with, you stood behind him, Unlike TS. However you're 1 fan. Yet you're generally having a go at Arsenal fans as a whole, and I'm sorry it was NOT a small minority who stabbed Moyes in the back, it was a F*CK load of Man U fans. 

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This I actually agree with, you stood behind him, Unlike TS. However you're 1 fan. Yet you're generally having a go at Arsenal fans as a whole, and I'm sorry it was NOT a small minority who stabbed Moyes in the back, it was a F*CK load of Man U fans. 


Have you heard the chants at the Emirates?  That is much more than a minority.  Wenger has been getting hammered by Arsenal fans for 2 years now and Twitter is embarrassing to read at times.  I actually feel sorry for the guy.  Nobody deserves it.

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