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Football results today


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'at this moment in time'... as in, all season?


He really should do the honourable thing now.


You need to look at yourself.


YOU should do the honourable thing and SUPPORT THE MANAGER.


I'm seen some hypocrisy but you really do top it all with that statement.


Please, please, please, in all seriousness, do not try this absolute joke of a con that you're a United fan.


You're not.  No matter how much you convince yourself, you're not.  Not now, not tomorrow, not ever.

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When do you stop supporting the manager?


He's lost 10 of 22 games in 2014.


Would you still support him if he takes United down?


How about if the club does a City and ends up in the 3rd tier? - would he still have your support?


He's a disaster, supporting him is not supporting the club - in fact, it's supporting the downfall of what SAF built over the last 25 years.


Are you honestly saying you can see any reason, any slight glimmer, that he may actually come good next season?


To move forward, he has to go. It's so bloody obvious that it's not working and never will work - keeping him and supporting him is just driving the club further into the mire.

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I'm not sure what's so funny about the use of printed tactics.


Barcelona, Bayern Munich, Manchester City, Liverpool etc are just a few clubs that use printed tactics.  All that has happened here is United have had theirs photographed pitchside.


Do you really think it is laughable?  Really? 

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Must admit I'm struggling to see what's so laughable about it.


I've noticed another internet football fan phenomenon over the years. The manager out brigade always claim their view is consistent and that they are above kneejerk reactions to individual results. And yet we only ever hear from them after a defeat.

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Indeed, well done TwinSpark.  You and a minority of others have managed to drag the club down to the depths of Chelsea in terms of credibility of believing in long term development for long term domination.


David Moyes is to be sacked.


All press now reporting it.

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Shocking treatment of a very good man.


I hope you're happy TwinSpark. 


QF of the Champions League, only beaten by the reigning Champions, and the man faces the sack (and everyone is reporting it now and it sounds like Woodward has been told Moyes is to be sacked). 


I'm hearing they don't trust him to spend what is now reported to be £200 million in the summer.


Klopp, Van Gaal and Simeone favourites.


For the first time ever, today I am ashamed to be a United fan.

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"Support the new manager" - Sir Alex, less than a year ago.


Go support another club.


I'm not sure even Sir Alex would still put his support behind Moyes after the season we've just had.


He couldn't ever have imagined it would be this bad. I'm pretty sure he'd have been expecting a top 4 and securing the Champions League place again.


There's a point where everyone has to admit that it has been a mistake - I always thought it was a mistake and, no matter what SAF said, could never support Moyes.


Trusting SAF to pick his own replacement would appear to have been a really bad idea - and it's the kind of thinking that landed the club in trouble when Sir Matt retired.

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Well that above else shows you just how little you actually know about the club or follow it properly.


Ferguson had only just reaffirmed his support for Moyes - on Friday!  He even said that he knew it would be a "tough, tough season for anyone and not being in the Champions League won't be something that lasts for long".


You miss the point completely.


Do you think I've been happy with what has happened?  Do you think I've not had moments of thinking he has made mistakes?


Of course.


However, supporters are meant to support.  Whatever happens, and certainly within a year of a manager being appointed!  You have set out to destroy him since day one.  I hope nobody ever has such an approach to you when you start a new job.  Shameful, absolutely shameful.

Edited by NewNiceMrMe
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You can't blame supporters for being disappointed, saw a post elsewhere that suggests he has been sacked and Ryan Giggs will take over for the rest of the season.

Then you will sign Arsene Wenger and have 9 odd years of positive failure supported by the whole club :)


Who said I'm not disappointed?  Of course I am, but being a supporter is not about when you're winning - that is easy.  It's about when you're losing.


United lost credibility today, no matter how poor the season has been in the eyes of some.


Taking over after the greatest manager in British football history and being sacked within a year?  Appalling.

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