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Not really, what it tells you is that while you can fill a forum full of googled facts and figures, what you can't do is grasp a feeling among a group of people with a common passion.


Bit of a childish retort, is it not?


Nice little bit of sniping about the fact I care to try to provide a few facts instead of just drivel?


I've never seen you take a great deal of interest in any football discussion on here.  I didn't even know you were an Arsenal fan.  In fact you can't be.  See, if you are seriously trying to tell me that you think Wenger has enjoyed huge support from Arsenal fans in the last year, then I think you've been living on another planet.

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Bit of a childish retort, is it not?

Nice little bit of sniping about the fact I care to try to provide a few facts instead of just drivel?

I've never seen you take a great deal of interest in any football discussion on here. I didn't even know you were an Arsenal fan. In fact you can't be. See, if you are seriously trying to tell me that you think Wenger has enjoyed huge support from Arsenal fans in the last year, then I think you've been living on another planet.

There's a very good reason I don't participate in football discussion on TSN, I've said it before and it's because it's impossible to get a sensible conversation on the subject.

Seemingly otherwise intelligent people start talking complete and utter bollocks and I just can't be bothered with it.

You seem to enjoy telling people they either aren't fans, or they aren't a supporter, people you know absolutely nothing about, maybe it helps boost your own ego to try and tell everyone they aren't a fan, and you are footballs one true fan, but it's just boring.

Edited by Tipex
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There are never sensible conversations about football! That's why they're so great. Some of the best threads/pisstakes/ humiliations are about football and the results that come up every week.

So Arsenal beat City, Spurs put 5 past Chelski, ffs!

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There are never sensible conversations about football! That's why they're so great. Some of the best threads/pisstakes/ humiliations are about football and the results that come up every week.

The problem is, they nearly all, without fail, end up with someone taking things too far or someone lowering the thread to a slanging match, and it's usually MrMe telling TwinSpark how much of a better fan he is, to the point where he couldn't be bothered to respond any more and left the forum.

To be fair, it's hardly unique to TSN, I find most football fans to be utterly boring, bigoted morons, add in the Internet forum, and the abilty to hide behind a keyboard and things just get worse and worse.

I support my team by purchasing a season ticket and going to as many games as possible, not by telling everyone on the Internet i'm a better fan.

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You seem to enjoy telling people they either aren't fans, or they aren't a supporter, people you know absolutely nothing about, maybe it helps boost your own ego to try and tell everyone they aren't a fan, and you are footballs one true fan, but it's just boring.


Boost my ego?  By saying I can't believe an Arsenal fan seriously thinks Wenger has enjoyed support most other managers would be envious of?


I maintain what I said.  It is an absolutely bizarre statement.  Have you actually seen what he has been subject to?  Not just in the headline items such as the railway station abuse, but in the stadium, online, everywhere.  Most managers would have walked out long ago but the guy deserves a medal for putting up with the crap he has.


Anyway, we disagree. 


Oh and your comments about why TwinSpark left are complete bullshit as has been more politely referenced above.


Let's get something right here, I've simply told you I disagree with you about Wenger and you've never joined in football conversations.  That was it.  In response, you come back with a torrent of your usual personal attacks. 


I think it currently stands, broadly, at telling me that googling and posting statistics is boring, self-ego boosting, forcing members out of the forum, etc.  Why do you do it?  Can't you simply reply with something to quantify why Wenger has had such brilliant support?  No, of course you can't.  That would involve intelligent or well humoured debate.  You take your usual tactic of insulting people. 


I'll hold a debate with anyone.  But you can't.  You just resort to personal jibes.  It speaks volumes.

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Looks like Real want a new keeper.


If they do that deal I'll be about a hacked off as it is possible to be with a club.


£50 million for De Gea.


They are reported to have said that if Real Madrid want him they can have him plus £30m for Gareth Bale in exchange.


Madness.  Bale is a world class player but letting perhaps the best keeper in the world (at the moment) go would be a mistake of epic proportions.  I am hoping it is just press talk and they're not seriously considering accepting the approach.  De Gea has already said he doesn't want to leave and Real Madrid wouldn't be the first choice of a former Athletic Madrid player.


I suspect the £50 million tag has been put on him (if it has) to tell Real to feck off.

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I'll hold a debate with anyone. But you can't. You just resort to personal jibes. It speaks volumes.

That's just the problem, you can't.

You resort to telling people they aren't a fan, over and over again, I hate to think how many times you've said it, it's your stock response when you don't agree with someone about football and it speaks volumes about yourself.

Anyway, I'll leave it there as it's not getting anyone anywhere, we'll just have to agree to disagree, I stand on the terraces and witness the reaction anyone who hurls abuse at Wenger gets from the rest of the fans, and it's not a pleasant one, there will always be a vocal minority but don't believe everything you read in the papers.

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