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Football results today


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First week of Champions Leage on BT Sport and it can only end in tears can't it?

I just can't see enough people subscribing or staying with them to generate the viewing figures to raise the advertising revenue. Sure everything is hunky dory now because the advertising deals are already in place but if/when viewing figures are less than the advertisers want then I can't see them stumping up the cash BT need.

Granted I haven't even looked at the facts and figures and this is just based on a personal opinion regarding the shite coverage.

I'm going to go out on a limb here and predict the beginning of the end for BT Sport.

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I'd love to see the FA's explanation for rescinding Gabriel's red card.

Because they want to do him and club for lack of player control. I understand Arsenal borrowed some ESPN footage that shows no stud contact on Costa, the reason he was red carded.

However his attempts to get to Costa post sending off were stupid, and deserve punishing.

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The Gabriel u-turn is ridiculous.  He should remained banned.


Costa's punishment is fair enough.


As for Schteve and Buck Rodgers, well they're both doomed.


Newcastle are woeful and Liverpool are even worse when you consider the money spent by them.  I said I didn't think Rodgers will make it to Christmas and maintain that.  I'm not even sure he'll see October out.


I also said on Facebook that I thought McClaren would be gone by Christmas - and I think he could be gone in the next 2 weeks.....

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I still find it baffling that they appointed McClaren.


The way Derby capitulated from a position of almost guaranteed promotion speaks volumes.  The club wanted him out! 


The Derby forums were gutted initially when he said he wasn't speaking to Newcastle about the job. :roflmao:


Even Middlesbrough fans laugh about him being "Agent Schteve, doing a job on the Toon". :roflmao:


As for Rodgers, well he has been well and truly found out.  I don't think there is much more to say than that.

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