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Football results today


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You were robbed.  In quite appalling fashion by a referee who completely bottled it.


The penalty was a penalty.


Then the Arsenal fans started on the ref.


He then bottled it and sent Simpson off for a challenge that was never a booking.


That wrecked it and if Leicester hadn't had him sent off they'd have won.  They had Arsenal.


That said, I wouldn't worry too much.  If Arsenal need decisions like that to win games then Leicester have nothing to worry about (and Spurs are better than Arsenal anyway so they'll still not win it).


Even if I put the fact I can't abide Arsenal aside, that was a shameful performance by Atkinson in the "oh I'm getting shouted at by a bunch of whinging Arsenal fans so I'll do something to make them happy" stakes.  He shouldn't ref a top level game again this season because he's proved he can't handle it.

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Bah ha ha ha, what a complete and utter load of bollocks, your hatred for Arsenal is blatant and quite frankly, pathetic.

I'm going for more beers...




Live in a bubble and you'll get the view of other bubbles.


Leicester were robbed.   Simpson should never have been sent off and the penalty was a penalty.  What is bollocks about that?


Anyway, we all know you only decided to be an Arsenal fan when they started winning a game or two last season. :roflmao:

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Torino that's a bit unfair.

They are a European powerhouse and are a formidable team at home. Since 2008 in Europe they have only scored 2 goals against 3 teams. Bangor City, The New Saints and now the mighty Man Utd lol.

They have splashed the cash to get this result spending £7m on transfers and wages since the start of 14/15 season. Utd have had to make do with only spending £207m on wages (over £300m with transfers) in the same time period.

Please don't sack LVG. Football is about entertainment and by God he is entertaining most of us.

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Arsenal fans - still not won the league in 10+ years but amazingly vocal despite complete lack of achievement!


City fans - lower league club, lower league fans, bit of money, shouting above their station, still no Champions League wins and only 2 titles (add a zero to that and you get 20 - ring a bell?).  It'll all end badly (as it always does).


Southampton fans - who?



Edited by NewNiceMrMe
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I fully expect Barcelona to hand us our ar5es on a plate, so won't be too disappointed when they do!

Seems to me that the United players have decided to get LVG sacked, they just aren't that bad, what they are doing is deliberate, you cannot tell me players of their caliber can't play together and win.

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