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Football results today


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I have a tenner on 2-0 and also the same score with Mahrez to score. He is due a goal and if he doesn't score / perform today I would sell him tomorrow and pay Kante as much as he asks for to stay.

Mahrez is also a bad neighbour. He seems incapable of using his wheelie bin. He puts all his rubbish in a black bag outside his front door and the foxes (ironically) keep ripping the bags open and depositing his takeaway rubbish all over his drive. The bloke must live on kfc by the looks of it.

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He lives next door but two.

The S Class coupe and RR Sport Khan (Barry) went last week after he got a driving ban.

His wife has is driving him everywhere in her Evoque now except when Kante picks him up in his Mini One. No joke!!!!

He has gone down in my estimations so much recently. Except for the fact that we have had our gas mains replaced in the street this week and he happily did selfies with the blokes that were doing the work!!

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Just texted the bloke who lives opposite him and asked if he has cleared up the mess. This was his response:

Last night he left the house with his brother and decided to kick the rubbish over towards the wall. I offered him a brush and some advice....

Put your food shit in the bin or a fox will make a right mess!

In one ear and out the other! At least he knew what a fox was!

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Although Eden Hazard has done his very best to motivate Spurs to beat Chelsea. The thick twat.


I heard his comments on the radio and I was in two minds about them.


On the one hand, I get what you're saying.


On the other, I liked the fact a footballer said what he really thought.  I also think it might make Spurs a little nervous about what to expect.  I have no doubt Chelsea will play well in that match.  


Chelsea are on a reasonable run of form and I don't think Leicester need their help anyway, but I suspect Spurs will slip up at Stamford Bridge.

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Lucky?!! Are you effing nuts? That just winds me up.


I've had the same come from Arsenal fans as well.


It takes being the best over 38 games for crying out loud. I guess they were lucky in the 35 or so games they've had so far then?


Whoever does not accept and appreciate that is a twat. Simple. :rolleyes:

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Oh, by the way. Thinking more about the other comment about WBA being a disgrace.


That's actually shocking to think of. Did they think WBA should've come to the game to lose?


I'm not sure why they're a disgrace. #Baffledatthisone :unsure:

Edited by S3Bangs
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The inference was that WBA were playing dirty.


The amount of comments suprised me. 


I think the key to this is that, deep down, Spurs fans recognise that this was a very rare opportunity to win the league.  I honestly can't see them challenging this well next year. 


Chelsea are going to spend big.  City will too.  United will once again splash a fortune (rumoured to be £250-300m) and this time it'll be with a different manager (anyone can say what they want but LVG will not there). 


I also expect Leicester to do well again.  They're going to make a fortune in the Champions League and I think it'll be hard to prize their stars away next season unless people like Barca, United, City, Chelsea etc start to offer them huge amounts of money.


Will Spurs win it next year?  I can't see it.


This was their chance and some of their fans are feeling very bitter and looking for excuses.


They won't have lost the league though.  Leicester will have won it and rightly so - they've been the best team all season.

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WBA are the opposite of a disgrace. They have very little to play for but still gave it their all.

The same can not be said of other mid table teams. I was getting fed up with Stoke, Chelsea (although not v B'mth), Swansea, Crystal Palace all rolling over against their opponents who were playing for something.

The last few weeks have been so predictable apart from Arsenal who seem to still fail against teams who have nothing to play for.

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