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Football results today


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I'm loving this season. In my heart of hearts I don't truly believe that Arsenal will win the title, they will most likely self destruct at some point along the way. Plus I don't think the players have belief in themselves in the big matches such as Chelsea and City.


But am gleaning way more enjoyment in the floundering of Man U. I have a deep seated loathing of Manure thanks mostly to Ferguson who is a deeply vile man, not to mention some of their pretty unsavoury players over the years Keane and Rooney spring to mind. I for one won't ever feel sympathy for them if they go into a downward spiral. I suspect it won't happen, but it's making great viewing for the moment.

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I've never understood why some supporters have to go above the banter line and on to the vitriol segment.

SFA was a results man, and no matter what you 'think' of the man (which unless you personally know him is purely guess work) he is likely the worlds greatest ever manager.

I might not respect some of his tactics or the way he directed players to behave, but the results are surely worth a nod of respect.

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 I have a deep seated loathing of Manure thanks mostly to Ferguson who is a deeply vile man...


I find that kind of comment quite alarming. I can understand rival fans - particularly Liverpool - questioning whether he really was the greatest ever and refusing to fully appreciate his achievements (in public at least). But what knowledge do you honestly have to describe Sir Alex as "a deeply vile man"?!


As a manager he always had an absolutely single-minded attitude to extract every possible advantage for United and happily employed psychology against the FA, referees and opponents alike to gain that advantage. Understandably, within the realms of football, that brings criticism and creates rivalries (enemies is too strong a word). But I would be amazed if even any of his most bitter footballing rivals would call him "a deeply vile man". Not least because they know him personally, they know his true character better than most of us, and they know what he has given to football and the wider community over the past three or four decades.


Those who have only seen him on the touchline and in post match interviews would I'm sure be astounded at how jovial and warm he (usually) is in person, and how generous he is particularly with his time when it comes to mentoring young coaches and managers and helping local people. 


Just to offer a flip side to the usual tribal vitriol. I realise you're not all about to cast your opinions aside and annoint him as Saint Alex. :P

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This doesn't even begin to scratch the surface of what a nasty s**t I think he is. Agreed it's my opinion based on having never met the man - purely through press, interviews and seeing his actions on television. I sigularly detest him. I feel that strongly on the matter. Not one action from him has ever made me feel otherwise.

Edited by Torino101
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OK, so, MrMe and anyone else who thinks we should be sticking with Moyes.

Still think that? - because he's turned the club into a laughing stock and a title winning side into one which can't buy a win for anything.


He has to go. Today. If he doesn't, he'll destroy everything Sir Alex achieved.

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