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Football results today


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Their games were irrelevant.

We lost 4-2 and most people expected much worse.

They did what they could and I've no complaints. You always seem to look for someone to slaughter, and it is akways the same person. However, sometimes you just have to acknowledge that the better team won.

That's all from me. Pointless debating a defeat to the European Champions. Proud of the club, good performance over two legs and I refuse to blame anything other than the opposition having better players.

Edited by NewNiceMrMe
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We're Manchester fecking United and SHOULD go toe to toe with the likes of Bayern expecting a result.


We just collapsed after scoring, then Pep changed things and dominated from there onwards.


Moyes left the substitute calls too late and got them badly wrong.


I don't know what Rooney has on him, but it must be pretty strong stuff to have survived beyond half time tonight.


The complete lack of any plan B from our management team killed any hope of pulling this off - and it was there for the taking tonight. Not only that, the trophy was as winnable as I can ever remember it being, too.


So, season over, no more ECL for at least a season - probably more - if we insist on keeping that clown at the helm.

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You mean the squad which won the EPL at a canter 12 months ago, which has been 'improved' by £60m+ of new players?

The squad that was 1 dodgy sending off away from knocking Real out of the Champions League last season?


The squad where the only change for the worse is a change of management team to one which wouldn't know how to win a trophy if their kid's lives depended on it?


With SAF at the helm, we'd have cruised to another title this season - our squad is much better than those of Liverpool or Chelsea, and City seem to want to lose it.


Tonight's game was there to be won, and we should have been capable of taking on all remaining teams. One of the best chances of winning the whole thing for many years.

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Tonight's game was there to be won, and we should have been capable of taking on all remaining teams. One of the best chances of winning the whole thing for many years.


If you honestly think that then you're on another planet to me.


Bayern are a far, far, far superior team to United.


Real Madrid are a far better team.


Chelsea are better.


Atletico have just knocked Barcelona out and top the Spanish League.


You seriously think what you've said is correct?  I just don't understand you.  Every single pundit expected United to get slaughtered over two legs.  We didn't.  They put up a bloody good performance and had it not been for over celebrating the goal tonight and losing concentration....well no, we'd have still lost to a better team eventually.


Being Manchester United does not entitle us to anything.  Everything the club has, it has been earned.  You sound like a Liverpool fan of old. 


I support this club regardless.  Support does not come in the form of delusional statements that make you sound like a supporter from Kent who is the stereotype of everything the ABU brigade love to hate.


Accept the fact the 4 best teams are in the semi-finals, because they are.


Moyes did a bloody good job over 2 legs in my opinion. 


p.s. I've said for a long time now that Real Madrid will win this year and I still think they will.  I also think it'll be between them and Atletico if the draw works out as I'd like it to.  Imagine what a final that'll be.  Madrid v Madrid.  I just love watching football if it is top class or enthusiastic competition.  I don't care if we're not in the final of everything.  Life would be very boring.

Edited by NewNiceMrMe
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And why did the pundits expect us to be slaughtered? - oh yes, because Moyes has proven that he's largely incompetent against big teams throughout his entire top flight career.


Would they have predicted a slaughter under SAF? - or would the headlines this morning have been about United's chances of a Euro and domestic double?


Chelsea aren't better than United - they have a better manager, who is dragging them to a title challenge they wouldn't have under anyone else, but that's all they have over us.


To compare and contrast.. when Chelsea went ahead last night, Maureen ran half the length of the pitch to ensure they got the tactics and defence solid for the re-start.


Bayern have struggled against English opposition at times this season and, with us leading the tie, it was there to be won.


It's time to stop defending Moyes - he looked lost. When Pep made his substitution and changed the game, Moyes had no answer - but he persevered with a man who shouldn't even have been warming the bench due to injury.

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Seriously? - you don't think that the defending English Champions shouldn't expect to match the likes of Bayern?


Are you another Moyes apologist?


He's destroying the club and has to go. To take the champions to 7th place and break almost every negative record in the book in the space of 1 single season is laughable.


The very fact that the ABUs want him to stay for the duration of his contract speaks volumes. He's our Souness / Hodgson, but the 'United way' (whatever that is? - I think you have to shag someone's wife to get fired) says he 'needs time'.

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The trouble with the internet is that by giving people a voice it misleads some of them into believing first that their opinion matters and second that they are right.


That then leads to the desperate quest for self-justification. Grasping at anything and praying for events to prove you were right. In the end that quest becomes all consuming. It becomes more important to you that your worthless opinion is seen to be right than anything else in the world, including the success of the team you profess to support.


I have seen smaller clubs with weaker boards suffer terribly having listened to 'fans' like you, having made the fatal mistake of thinking the belligerent, self-entitled minority are representative.


What the hell gives you the arrogance to honestly think you know more about football and what is right for Manchester United than Charlton, Ferguson, Woodward and co.?

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As a non football fan, I find the Man U / Moyes situation fascinating.

The people that are loyal to the club, and stand by the clubs decisions are to be commended. But I can also see the frustration in other fans and can appreciate that they think change is needed.

( I am not purely talking about people on here either, as I have friends and family with very strong connections to Man U )

Garçons post is very insightful and is close to my mantra.

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What I struggle with are the small minority who now say that wanting Moyes fired is not supporting the club.

I believe that under Maureen or any other top manager, we'd be looking to win the title right now. A big mistake was made in the appointment and I can't think of any other club who wouldn't have acted by now.

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What I struggle with are the small minority who now say that wanting Moyes fired is not supporting the club.


The reason you're struggling with that is simple. It isn't a small minority. You're the one in a small but noisy minority. Every club has a small but noisy minority of people like you, and every club board should ignore them.


It's not your opinion that gets me, it's your attitude. You seem to think that being a distant armchair fan gives you the right to expect everything to go exactly your way, and when it doesn't you throw all the toys out of your pram in a two-year-old toddler temper tantrum. That's exactly the attitude that saw that bunch of selfish self-centred self-opinionated traitor scum set up FC United. 

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Erm... where to start?


Never won a trophy as a manager, considers 4th to be an achievement, has only taken 5 points from the top 6 this season, never won an away league game against the established 'big 4' in English football... plays defensive, negative football, has no idea how to change a game when things are against you, signs Sideshow Bob for more than his release clause price, sacked the entire coaching team which had won several titles and a European cup and replaced them with yes men who've won the sum total of sod all.


I'm really struggling to think of any positives to come out of this whole sorry affair other than the signing of Mata.

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Do you fancy Maureen or something? He would've been THE worst thing for United at this stage of their transition. Even my ardent Spurs-supporting mate knows that.

TS you are some kind of feckless half-fan who thinks he could single-handedly manage a team to the champions league trophy. Until Moyes dons a shirt and starts up front then the lack of results lies with the team. The manager doesn't win games nor does he lose them, he stands as part of a team of professionals that are in it together. This obviously is a difficult concept for you to understand when you could just spend your time debasing a mannequin of David Moyes and throwing stones at trains.

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He'd have been bad news for Spurs fans, as their only hope of a top 4 was United imploding after the change of management...


As for the team being responsible, not the manager - that's rubbish and you know it. The leadership is what changed this season, and it turned champions into mid-table obscurity. 


I mention Maureen, as he wanted the job, and would have won us the title this season. I still think it's the job he wants more than any other.


My long-term preference wasn't and probably won't become available - Klopp is the right man, but he's not going to walk from Dortmund any time soon, I don't think.


I support the club and, as SAF always said, no man is bigger than the club. So I can support the club, whilst still wanting the manager out.


Rewind a couple of years or so... should all the Liverpool fans calling for Hodgson's head have been slated for their opinions? - or were they absolutely bang on in their view of the situation?


Because, in my opinion, Moyes is to United what Hodgson was to Liverpool.


Rodgers is a great example of how the right manager can pull a team of nearly men, under-achievers and mis-fits into a title challenging side. He worries me more than any other manager out there right now, as he really does seem to have the SAF touch and drive to build something special at Liverpool.


Still, I'm utterly astounded by how many Moyes apologists are blaming the players who won the title last season, and were within a gnat's cock of taking the scalp of Real in Europe.

Even worse, are those who've turned against SAF and are blaming the greatest manager the game has ever seen for this season's mess.
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And yet you vehemently disagree with "the greatest manager the game has ever seen"'s choice for his replacement.


Yes, I do. Because even the best make mistakes - he readily admitted to making mistakes when buying players... just hope he's not too proud to admit that his last appointment as United manager was a mistake, too.

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The leadership is not what has changed champions into mid-table mediocrity also-rans. SAF would always leave on a high rather than be remembered for thrashing out dismal results year after year - Wenger anyone???

United were lucky last year, they were crap and so was everybody else - but crapererererer (sorry Mac).

This mess isn't the fault of SAF or Moyes, it's part of the life cycle of a club - albeit one that has been stretched to the maximum under SAF's tenure. Stick with Moyes and he'll deliver the results within 2 seasons. Maureen would've rocked up, turned the whole shebang into a personal circus and once it was ticked off his "to-do" list would bugger off leaving the club in a real mess.

I sat through the misery of waiting and watching Mark Hughes grind out a late equaliser with Oldham Athletic at Wembley - NNMM is right, you're feeling a sense of entitlement that is as false as those with their 120% mortgages on t'other thread.

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It's funny, isn't it.


Before the season started, the general consensus was challenging, but would miss out on the title by a handful of points.


At Christmas, it was top 4.


In April, it's 'I hope we don't get the Thursday Night Cup'...


Expectations have been downgraded to the standards delivered by Moyes in the past. I do honestly believe he's at his level right now and will never progress to the level needed to win the title.


That's not to say he's a bad manager, he's just the wrong manager for the club.

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