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Essex Meet - Thurs 14th Nov at Miller and Carter,Lakeside


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And you get to meet me (again). You are lucky.


I will be eating chips this time. :roflmao:


Just need to confirm one date with a client to ensure I'm not in Southampton on the 3rd.  If I am, that will rule the 4th out because I never do 3 days out of the office in a row.  I don't think the Southampton visit will happen on the 3rd (for some reason they'd like me there on the 19th December which is about as appealling as shooting myself in the head, but hey-ho) but need to wait to speak to the client to confirm it.

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Could someone confirm a few things?

Is the best car park the main front one LHS of Primark.

Has the booking been amended to cope with the additional guests. I'm counting 18 against 12 booked.

Did you know that if you sign on to the Miller website you get a voucher for a free starter?

Edited by Calm Chris
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Right.  Let's aim for the car park closest to the restaurant. It straddles the main road running to the left of the shopping centre, let's aim for the left hand and if full the right. I know, I know... my Photoshop skills are awesome!!!!




The booking will be amended this evening for the additional two persons.


Everyone should sign up if they want a free starter.

Edited by Biscuits
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Best do a roll call I guess ........ 


Defo so far (in no particular order  :rolleyes:  )




Hopsta +1





Chelsea Mick + 1




Fatcat + 1




have I missed anyone?  


Have you all registered for your free starter/pudding ??   How many bottles of "champagne" do I have to drink   :P

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Isn't Steve 2 bring his muse? And I wasn't sure if the Canterbury based owner of the fastest car in the world M4tt was putting in an appearance.



M4tt can't have the fastest car in the world .... it isn't red :P     


small details, this is the most organised we've been this year +++

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Is the best car park the main front one LHS of Primark.

Has the booking been amended to cope with the additional guests. I'm counting 18 against 12 booked.

Did you know that if you sign on to the Miller website you get a voucher for a free starter?


Primark?  I'm not parking in front of bloody Primark!


I thought you Southerners were posh?  Pah.

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