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August 1st, Blyton Park, Car Club 18-30 rules.


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Maybe the company will treat me with it's cheque book! ;-)

You'll be pleased to know that I have all the parts to fix the Scoob sitting in the outhouse, waiting to be fitted, after that, it just needs 4 tyres, a battery, a service and an MOT.

I've got until August to sort that out, so i'll probably do it in a panic at the end of July!

I suspect my usual co-driver won't make it given the dates though.

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  On 1/21/2014 at 5:41 PM, Mook said:

Two quotes about cars from her - "they've got to be fast" and "they've got to sound right".

That's enough for me :)


Well the Golf definitely fulfills one of those categories, turbo 4 bangers never sound particularly great though, although relatively speaking, it didn't sound bad last time I heard it!

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I was proud when my better half said she had put the window down to hear a Ferrari nail it up a slip road, followed by what the hell was she doing, but hey she did it without really thinking. 


She doesn't mind my car expenditure it seems another of many reasons why I love her so much.  :cool:

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  On 1/21/2014 at 7:16 PM, Tipex said:

Well the Golf definitely fulfills one of those categories, turbo 4 bangers never sound particularly great though, although relatively speaking, it didn't sound bad last time I heard it!

It's the "ooh that sounds nice" comments when an RS4 burbles past that do it for me :)

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I'm in, e36 328 (yes, I know it is boring & predicatable Mook, but, I am big enough & ugly enough to take that one on the chin!) 1998 with a few suitable mods to make it better on track, but still with A/C & CD.......




The cheque is in the post.

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  On 1/21/2014 at 11:26 PM, garcon magnifique said:

Heard an M135i nail it from the M6 Toll booths this morning.  It's a bit of a screamer!


I'm in, I think. No idea what I'll be driving though. Jim - as my co-pilot you can help me find something! +++


Somthing befitting a couple of fine upstanding gentlemen!

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  On 1/21/2014 at 11:26 PM, garcon magnifique said:

I'm in, I think. No idea what I'll be driving though. Jim - as my co-pilot you can help me find something! +++


Wow! Within a couple of hours of going live we've already sold 1/3 of the slots. If people are thinking of entering please do it now It's a cheque for £80 and an email, that's all. Info > http://motorpunk.co.uk/about/the-motorpunk-car-club-18-30-event-pay-80-by-28th-march-for-an-opl-day-at-sunny-blyton-on-friday-august-1st/

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