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August 1st, Blyton Park, Car Club 18-30 rules.


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Well, that was a blast. Only on a MotorPunk trackday would you see a stripped Bentley Turbo R towing a caravan on track, a MK1 MR2 disappearing backwards into a wheatfield, a clutch of brilliant cars and the non-organiser (me) getting black flagged only 1 lap into the day. :)

Story and pics on MotorPunk soon. I am still hungover.

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As I have said before, it is a good track & very inexpensive for a track day, with lots of fun to be had by all.


A good day & lots of names & faces now joined together, with lots of good times on track.


Well done for not organising that Rich, when are you next not organising an event?

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I had a great time both the night before and the day itself - I think my hangover subsided around 3pm.

There were lots of highlights and the day had a fantastic atmosphere due to the group of enthusiasts/nutters TDK had/had not put together.

Things that are making me chuckle thinking about them:

Mikey's driving making Rudge puke.

General Jag theme to most of the day.

Patently's "woo-hoo" driving my car when the boost kicked in.

Big thanks to Garçon too for not puking despite my driving :)

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Big thanks to Garçon too for not puking despite my driving :)


A few more laps and I may have been there...  :uhoh:   Fortunately the brakes went spongy before I did. ;)  


Enjoyed the little outing eldavo, nice to go out in a car that's well set up with a driver who has some idea what it can do. Lateral grip was properly impressive especially through the chicanes. +++

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I would have enjoyed a ride in patently's Caterham but decided the logistics of getting me in (and more importantly out) were probably beyond the heavy lifting equipment immediately to hand.  :secret:


Had intended to go for a few proper laps in the passenger seat of patently's 911 (I went out for the sighting laps but that wasn't exactly at full pelt). Should have done it in the morning - the burger and Coke weren't sitting too comfortably after lunch...  :uhoh:

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Had a quick shufty through the couple of videos I remembered to take and my my I'm very consistent(ly average). No timing allowed of course so I used a reference point on the video footage.

With Tipex in the passenger seat I managed:






It all got very inconsistent after that due to traffic.

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Thanks for those who helped make it a great event, I have some nice snaps and will stick them together a report on MotorPunk in the coming week. Particular thanks to Patently who seems to have become the MotorPunk cameracar driver.

We'll definately run another event like this in the spring of 2015 and for those who need an automotive adventure before then, there's Cowley to Casablanca. :)

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I would have enjoyed a ride in patently's Caterham but decided the logistics of getting me in (and more importantly out) were probably beyond the heavy lifting equipment immediately to hand. :secret:

We could have just lifted it up, turned it over, and given it a good shake to get you out :-D

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OK, here's the write up and plenty of pics. > http://www.motorpunk.co.uk/carclub-18-30/the-events/2014-motorpunk-18-30-trackday/


Let's play spot the TyreSmoker:













This was nuts...



Lots of cool stuff came on the day (sorry that Garcon's Merscabies was kaputt), see here for more: http://www.motorpunk.co.uk/carclub-18-30/the-events/2014-motorpunk-18-30-trackday/

Edited by theduisbergkid
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