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Men - read this


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This was posted today on a motorbike forum. I felt worth reposting on here :


Not a bike thread, but may be worth reading-
- as it may just save your life.

November last year I heard an advert somewhere that said men of a certain age (50+) should get tested for prostate cancer. Its a silent killer.

I pondered over it for a while and thought, what the hell, Im of that age even though i have NO symptoms at all apart from a slightly reduced flow rate that most men suffer from as they get older. I dont need to pee at night, I can go out on the pop and have a good night and still not need to pee. Im fit and healthy, so I knew I was okay, but - just the same for peace of mind, I'll get it checked.

You only have to supply a sample of blood which is tested for the PSA level. Men of 50 should be less than 3.

Imagine my horror when it came back 16.9.
Following a further visit to the GP and a rectal examination Im told I have prostate cancer, wtf !!!!

Today I sit here having just returned from Derriford Hospital having had major surgery, my prostate and other glands removed as the cancer had spread to them.

So, Ive gone from a bloke who thought he was fit and healthy who enjoyed life to the full, to a bloke who will never have an erection again and not know the pleasure of his wife. 

Whats the alternative, do nothing, let the cancer spread and not see my pension age - its a no brainer.

So guys, Im not after sympathy or words of condolence - I post this to tell you if you're 50+ and notice ANY change in the way you pee - get checked.
Im still in denial here and cant believe its happened to me and that one day soon I'll get a call telling me they got the wrong Buzz.

Get checked - live longer.
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Great post Scotty and very true, my Dad has been through the same and I try to explain to those that will listen that it's easy to get things check and sort it and it doesn't have to have the full side effects or need to be removed either these days. But getting it check out in the first place is key ther earlier it's found the better. +++

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As some on here will know, I had a PSA test a few weeks ago. My symptoms were not directly related to prostrate problems but being 48 (I look younger) they did it anyway. Came back normal.

It's just a case of blood tests to start. So all very easy to do. Get down the docs and get tested. While your there they'll probably check diabetes, cholesterol etc.

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Agreed, get a blood test done if you are that age.  I'm 67 and considered my self very healthy but just to check I had a complete set of blood tests done this week.  I was concerned for the prostate as for a number of years I've had a slightly reduced flow but after the tests and bloods everything was normal and it seems that it's just age related enlarged prostate.  The real surprise was that it turns out that I've got Type II Diabetes which was complete and utter surprise as I eat healthily, am not overweight and had no other symptoms.  My way of life has to change now (the blood sugar count was very high) and can no longer have anything with sugar and can only have certain carbohydrates that transform into glucose very slowly.  I'm still coming to terms with what this all means but it is nothing like the story above and I think myself extremely lucky that my other tests were normal.

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Agree agree agree! My dad in law was getting up through the night to pee. His wife, who used to be a nurse, nagged him and nagged him to go to the docs. After much resistance, he went. Needless to say he was booked in for surgery not long after that as he was diagnosed with prostate cancer. This is a man who, in his 60's, does the coast to Coast bike ride. A man who has lived a healthy life, always been a keen cyclist, always eaten well. Never smoked or drank heavily. 3 years down the line and he has just completed a course of radiotherapy, the results of which he won't know for 6 months. Has been given a 50/50 chance it's worked.

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