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iPhone 6 - anyone waiting to upgrade?


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Per Mac's comment, I must admit I get rather annoyed when people come out with statements such as "But I do think if IPhone used tried the alternative, they may be surprised.".


What makes people think they've haven't?  So many people come out with this bizarre presumption that everyone who buys an iPhone does so for all the wrong reasons.  The people with the issue aren't the iPhone buyers, but those that cannot accept they have done anything other than buy it just because it is an Apple product.


I'll just say what I always do, find a phone that suits you, stick with it and don't try to say X is better and Y is shit.


I've had no issues with my iPhone 6.  I have an Android phone.  I don't like Android as much.  That's it.  I don't try to tell Android users they should try an iPhone or Windows users that they should try baking cakes in a Bosch oven on 180 degrees at 16:50 hours for better results.  Or whatever.

Edited by NewNiceMrMe
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The HTC One has just won phone of the year for the 2nd year though in the T3 awards, so it can't be that shabby.


Ahh yes, those thoroughly independant awards from T3, that don't in any way whatsoever correlate to who is spending the most on advertising with them. :rolleyes:

I stopped buying T3 over ten years ago when it became blindingly obvious what was fueling their review scores.

That's not to say the HTC One isn't worthy of such an award though, as a piece of hardware it is very nice indeed, if only it could run iOS instead of Android.

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I'll just say what I always do, find a phone that suits you, stick with it and don't try to say X is better and Y is shit.




If you're going to be doing Algebra we surely need to define the variables. 


Now, please write it out again and remember to include where X = Android and Y = iOS  :grin:

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How are people getting on with the new units? I really tried to love the 6+...for a week or so. Loved the screen when *using* it for viewing and stuff but as I'm out and about a lot I found its size genuinely difficult, almost to the point I needed my handbag with me all the time. 


How are people finding the 6? I'm still a bit 'meh, a bit big', and also a bit 'why did I upgrade from the 5S'? It's pretty much the same, if a bit quicker - even on the quicker thing I only really notice when starting things like TomTom, and perhaps the camera.


Not a massive media consumer on the phone other than music...so not convinced the bigger size is doing much for me. On the other hand - having 128Gb has changed my working ways. I used to go for the 32Gb mid-range as I never really carried media. 128Gb means my full evernote library with me, some movies, loads of music and still loads of room left.


Battery has been loads better than my 5S as well.


I think I've said before, I'm a little bored with phones now. I got into them with the original iPhone as I think the power of a small, touch enabled, compute platform in your pocket opened up all kinds of stuff (and it has, obviously)...but now? There doesn't seem to be much innovation from *any* vendor in reality. Nothing to make me think - wow, the possibilities are ...NEW!

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I'd like to tell you how much better my new 6 is than the 4S, but it hasn't fecking turned up yet.


Apparently Space Grey rather than silver takes a lot longer to deliver, what's most annoying is that I know it's sitting in a warehouse not 15 miles away, but thanks to UPS and them accidentally not loading it on to the van on friday, I've got to wait until monday, except I'm not at home monday, so unless they catch Mrs T between school runs/shopping/gossiping, I'll not be getting it then either!

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Agreed, nothing really 'new' about it.


I'm fairly surprised at the lack of take up on WinMo - it's a spectacularly good platform....and then I think, hey, I think it's ace, and I have access to any of the premium Nokias, why don't I swap? ...yeah, apps. Apple nailed it with the App investment model didn't they? Changing platform now is massively difficult.


On the phone/present thing - I suspect H is a bit spoilt on such things as it's my industry and I rarely use my own money for such things, and they flow downward. I get your point though - I wouldn't run out and drop (what are they...700 quid?) on a new phone just because.

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There doesn't seem to be much innovation from *any* vendor in reality. Nothing to make me think - wow, the possibilities are ...NEW!

The only innovation I've seen recently is the Blackberry swipeable keyboard.


It works really well. I can see that moving to other devices too.

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I jumped from a 4s to a 6 and its been a massive leap. I'm getting two days battery like now which is great, the screen I've got used to and the camera and speed of the phone is stunning. 


However I think I've got me first issue with an iPhone since I've owned one. The proximity sensor seems to ignore my face. When I call someone the screen isn't switching off. I've rebooted a few times and its still the same, it even turned the display on and off even when nothing is close. 


Seems I might be getting it replaced if it doesn't sort itself out. 

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