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iPhone 6 - anyone waiting to upgrade?


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They had a great product in the iPaq, little handheld smart device (without the phone).  If they could have pushed that a lot better with sales and marketing, they could have had a product leader.  BUT, as with many big corporates with fingers in many pies, they took their eye off the ball and allowed Apple in.


Oh yes... I had an iPaq.  It was great.

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I don't remember anybody predicting HP would do anything other than come to the market late with something that was sh!t.

As it turned out, HP produced a slate that was a reasonable competitor to other cheap end tablets if you wiped WebOS and installed Android.

Realistically there was and is only one competitor to the iPad, in terms of price point, capability and market segment, and that's the Surface.


I did say "HP and others.." +++

It was primarily  the young Fiat chap who was predicting the iPad wouldn't reign for long IIRC?  I can't recall his name but I haven't seen him on here for a long time but I'm pretty sure he's friends with a few from here on Facebook?  To be honest it was a good debate at the time and I'm not necessarily criticising people.


It was far from just him that panned the iPad as something they'd never have use for, but history and sales figures have shown a very different reality.+++

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Surely the iPad is second to Android in pure number of units sold?


Share by operating system:


Android - 47%

Apple iOS - 44%


The rest make up the difference but the Surface is making ground even before the SP3 was out.  It is already at No. 8 in the sales charts.

p.s. as is said above by Mac and Garcon, the Surface isn't gunning for the smart tablet market.  It is out to take a shot at the Macbook Air and mid-range Macbook Pro's.


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You know - I love my iPad (not literally, pron on it is terrible) - but my work day isn't ruined if I forget it. Conversely if I forgot my travel buddy 13" pro I'd have to go home and get it.


I still see it as a relatively fancy consumer toy....but I also know a lot of people use them in anger. 

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I have an iPad Air.  It is used 75% for streaming content.  Amazon Instant Video, BBC, watching Sky etc.


I use it as a guidance 'prop' in my work too.  It sits alongside my Mac, stood up, and I read Dropbox hosted notes off it as I go through the day.  I also use it for general browsing and a lot of email stuff on my travels.


Whilst my Macbook Pro is a machine I simply couldn't do without from a works perspective (much more than my desktop), I would be loathed to give my iPad up.  Unlike Mac, I would turn around and go home if I left it.  I think a lot of dependency on these types of devices is so heavily centred on what type of work you do.  In my line of work, multiple connected devices, often all being used at the same time (I use my Macbook, iPad and iPhone at the same time when working, quite literally together).  In the office I use my desktop whilst working and often stream content on the iPad at the same time with earphones in.


It is a bizarre and technology addicted world to many, but to me it is work - and it works.+++

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Although I need a cover. Do I get one that doubles as a keyboard? Or do I get a Peel Framer (sp deliberately) so I can swap love juice with his Nibs?!


Ha. :roflmao:


They're just the ultimate piece of craftsmanship (Phantom, on here, will tell you that too).  The new ones for the Airs are even better too.  In fact an Apple assistant spotted my Piel Frama case on the iPhone 6 today and asked about it.  I handed it to him and he was very impressed by it and actually wrote the name of the brand down and said he was going to take a look for himself.  He had an Apple 'leather' protective case on his iPhone 6 Plus and admitted that, side by side, the Piel Frama product makes the Apple one look absolutely awful (that said, they're £70 or thereabouts but well worth it).


The iPad case gets comments regularly from clients.  I'd recommend them to anyone if you really want to finish the iPad off in style and have that fabulous feel to it. +++

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Share by operating system:

Android - 47%

Apple iOS - 44%

That's a hell of a lot closer than I'd have thought given the number of budget machines running Android.

We have 3 cheap Android tablets for the kids, wouldn't even contemplate spending the extra on iPads until they are much older.

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Not directly related to the iPad, but something that irked me somewhat yesterday.


I have ordered a Mac 5K.  I didn't want it immediately as I knew I was due to be out of the office a lot, so initially delayed delivery wasn't an issue.


On Monday I received an email saying delivery would be delayed by a further 9-10 days - but that was on top of a 7-10 day window I had been given in the middle of last week.  I have configured it with a fair few 'upgrade' options only because I'll be keeping it a good while, but I still find the entire delay thing rather irritating.




Perhaps I shouldn't.  Because when I walked into the Apple store in Newcastle yesterday....even they don't have one. :roflmao:


How utterly shambolic and very un-Apple. 

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I have a works ipad 2.  It's going to be replaced with a brand new ipad air.  We argued for them to be able to support the field force who have them.  Initially, used it a bit...........  but now?

I hardly use the thing.  My youngest uses it more than me and that's only if she's round and nothing else is happening.

It has even run out of charge inbetween uses!


I prefer to use the laptop for doing stuff in front of the TV or if I need power and a big screen then I use my desktop.

How rather old fashioned eh!

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The above is why I never understood the massive take up.


I bought MrMe's old iPad just to try and see where it would fit into my life/household and it's regularly uncharged.


My kids got a cheap Android tablet which is so good at what it does and all for less than £90.


I use the iphone or my laptop. The wife uses her laptop.


I keep being tempted to get an iPad mini to see if the Mrs will use it more but we just don't find it a necessity.

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My missus uses her Kindle Fire HD all the time - mostly because of her laptop boot time problem! iPad for me will be a travel companion and a way of making sure I've got a connection to home while I'm away (Excel spreadsheets, personal email, managing the freehold company etc) . If I didn't travel so much then I'd probably not need one for round the house. I expect when I'm back home it won't be used much, especially if the wife gets a Macbook Air for Xmas.

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I think all of the above comments are incredibly revealing.


They tell you, without any doubt, that individual differences in lifestyle, work, personal taste and use of time all have a huge effect on your likelihood of finding one gadget more useful than another, or whether you'll get use out of more than one at all.


I'm working from home on my Macbook right now.  The iPad is streaming iPlayer content to the TV via an Apple TV unit.  My mobile is by my side and I keep picking it up now and again for checking a few tools on it.  Four devices (if you include the Apple TV unit) all being used at the same time. 


I think you should always ask the opinion of someone who most closely matches your lifestyle.  That's the only way you'll ever find out whether a device is something worth buying or not.  One person might think an iPad useless, the other will tell you it is the best thing ever.  Which opinion is most valuable depends on which person runs their life most like you.


What I don't like is, rather like with cars, people say something is crap or brilliant on the basis they don't own it or do own it. 


The comments above are all a sign of people who offer opinion but point out what they do and how it fits with their life, so they're all really useful. 

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The comments above are all a sign of people who offer opinion but point out what they do and how it fits with their life, so they're all really useful.

Same as Cruiser for me, I have an iPad Air and Samsung Galaxy Tab 10 from work... I take one or the other when I travel for reading / catch up / games on the plane. Other than that they sit at my desk binging when I get an email. We have an iPad at home - my other half uses it for everything internetty that she does. I use the desktop more often than not or my work laptop as it's very quick. I would only pick up the iPad to check something really quickly - maybe a route to somewhere, or look up something. It's also useful on holiday with the little one and travelling with him.

Are they useful (tablets in general) - yes... Would I miss it if I didn't have it... no.

Like MrMe says it's all personal choice and opinion and it's definitely interesting to see the difference between people.

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Interesting reading ... and another vote for the Peel Framer ( :P ) products, I've spied a nice red leather one for the iphone I'd quite like instead of the apple leather one I have and will be putting on my birthday list.   As for using the ipad, I don't think I could do without one ... I've got the ipad3 which is plenty good enough for me atm, I'll see what I think when I change my MBP as will have a look at the new Air 2 (might aswell put the whole lot through the current tax year rather than wait another 12 months to claim   :grin: ).   I normally have all three with me probably 90% of the time unless I'm not in the house as the MBP rarely leaves. +++

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ipad Air now at £273.95 in some places.


I think they look good value but are deceptive.  I've seen them with Simply Electronics but it's the 16gb WiFi version.


16gb gets eaten up very quickly indeed.


I use WiFi / 4G 64gb iPad and even I think I should have got the 128 gb version despite little being held locally. 


Still, if it was for ultra portability, speed (because they are blindingly fast) and consuming streamed media, I think that's a hell of a price.

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