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iPhone 6 - anyone waiting to upgrade?


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I've come to the conclusion that a 16GB iPad is just stupid.

I tried to update my mums last night, absolutely no chance, she's got 2.5 GB of photos and videos on it which she won't delete (all of the grandchildren), and a few apps.

I player takes 1.5GB, many other apps are approaching 1GB, and given the usable memory is actually only around 15GB, that doesn't leave much.

The latest firmware update requires 7.5GB of space to update, utterly ridiculous.

Try explaining that to someone who doesn't 'do' computers and finds them all a faff anyway.

'you need to delete everything'

'I'm not deleting my pictures'

'Then you can't upgrade the firmware'

'I don't care'

'But if you did you'd be able to store them all in the cloud instead'

'I can't be bothered with all that'

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