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iPhone 6 - anyone waiting to upgrade?


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aah the iphone 6 plus...from the company that opposed the huge screen sizes of other phone in bygone days :P

I'm not sure they opposed the larger screen sizes, I just don't think there was much of a market for them at the time, aside from the odd Android user with a chip on his shoulder. :P

Don't forget that Apple more or less invented the smart phone and tablet as we know it, and the 7" tablet, which is more or less the same thing as an iPhone 6+ or Galaxy Note!

Edited by Tipex
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I'm not sure they opposed the larger screen sizes, I just don't think there was much of a market for them at the time, aside from the odd Android user with a chip on his shoulder. :P

Don't forget that Apple more or less invented the smart phone and tablet as we know it, and the 7" tablet, which is more or less the same thing as an iPhone 6+ or Galaxy Note!

Search hard on here even and you will find iPhone afficionados of the time sneering at the huge screens that don't fit comfortably in hand or pocket etc

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Search hard on here even and you will find iPhone afficionados of the time sneering at the huge screens that don't fit comfortably in hand or pocket etc

Yup, I was probably one of them, I still think the Galaxy Note is stupidly big, I also now think the 6+ is stupidly big, hence i'll be getting a normal 6, even that looks bigger than i'll be happy with, but if you want a processor that can keep up with the latest apps, you have no choice.

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Is this where the prediction suggests words above the letters and you can just swipe words to the screen?

Swype is where instead of 'pressing' each letter on the keyboard, you just slide (or swype) your finger from one letter to the next without lifting your finger off the screen.

Personally I think it's crap, but people seem to like it, I type with two fingers which means it doesn't work though, I also find it quicker to just type each word fully rather than watch the predicted words and use them, again, odd I expext but hey.

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I use Siri quite a bit. It's great when I'm on my mbike and can tell it to navigate, read a text, respond etc.

In fact IOS8 has solved a glitch I had : when travelling I'd normally turn off WiFi. If I then said navigate to somewhere it a would display a pop up recommending that I turn WiFi on and that would stop navigation from starting. That has now gone :)

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First thoughts:


The iPhone 6 is impressive but not without a few things that I think potential buyers might want to consider.


To begin with there is a degree or irony (okay, massive irony).  Having ordered it in silver so that it matches my iPad Air and Macbook Pro, I have got up this morning and ordered a Piel Frama Magnum case to stop me from dropping the phone and prevent the inevitable destruction that has blighted every iPhone I've ever owned.  That said, it'll match the iPad Air Piel Frama case that I bought for the same reason.  Hmm. :roflmao:


It is so thin and so light, and so damned sleek, that it is slippier than a slippy thing coated in grease.  There's no way I could carry it without dropping it in a matter of days.  You can also be assured that when I did drop it, I'd not be on grass, or any surface softer than diamond.  I would be walking on something that would destroy the phone beyond recognition.  It isn't flimsy, far from it.  It feels like it is hewn from a single piece of granite with the weight of carbon fibre, but my god it is slippy.




Initial fumbling reveals that the top close/power button has gone.  It is now on the right hand side as you hold the phone.  After a few minutes of thinking this is inconvenient you begin to realise this is where it should have been in the first place.  It is much better.  However, that's not why they've put it there.  It is there, in my view, because it would otherwise be a lot more difficult to reach up with your finger whilst holding the phone and tap the button.  That's because of the increased size.


It is wide.  The small difference in size isn't small in use.  Holding the phone to talk is easy, but holding it for holdings sake (to carry it) is now a different experience.  You can't grip it as easily.


The size also manifests an interesting disadvantage.  I can no longer use a single hand to reach across to keys on the far left of the keyboard.  I have found myself using two hands to tap.  That said, I have also moved to Swpye and am finding that to be a simply brilliant app that has completely changed the speed at which I can type on the phone.  I'd recommend that to anyone.


Fingerprint ID (whilst not unique to the iPhone 6) is fantastic.  I had an iPhone 5 so hadn't used it before.  I've switched it on for phone access and iTunes purchases, and what a gem it is.


The display is truly superb.  I never had a problem with the iPhone 5 display anyway, but the 6 is another improvement that you notice.  That brings me to the seemingly minor increase in screen estate.  What a difference it makes.  You can now get another row of icons on a screen in Standard mode or a super clear view of icons in Zoom mode.  Browsing websites is fantastic.  They are now much easier to read, and emails are taken up to another level as are photographs.


Speed increase is, to me at least, negligible.  I can't say I've found it to be massively faster than the iPhone 5, but it is faster especially when browsing.


Hey Siri (again not iPhone 6 specific) is very interesting indeed.  The ability to have the phone constantly awaiting a verbal command when you're not even touching it is rather intriguing.  It works very well on the 6 but I can't imagine any different on the 5 either (unless it is faster on a 6).


The camera is very, very good.  There is no doubt that there is an improvement there (but again I had no fault with it on the 5 to be honest).


Battery power.  Well I'm not sure I've tested this enough.  I also had a Boostpack on my iPhone 5 so I'm clearly not going to get the 2 days of heavy use out of the 6 that I used to out of a 5 with x2.5 the power of a standard 5.  That said, the phone got a lot of use yesterday straight out of the box and is currently sat on 40%. I'm quite impressed with that.  I also have another boostpack (not an attachment, just a standalone cable plug-in) that I'll be using with the 6 anyway.  However, I don't for one minute think I won't encounter battery drain faster than I'd like.  I think you just have to accept that on a phone as powerful as an iPhone 5/5S or 6 that you're going to have to be ready for charging regularly.


The biggest standout to me is the screen. That tiny increase in space has made a big difference.  Using Swpye on the keyboard has really surprised me too.  That's quite a revelation to me as I'd normally get sick of that type of App very quickly, but I'm pretty much addicted to it already. 

Is it a revolution or just an evolution?  It is the latter.  There's nothing that is going to blow your mind and you might well sit back if you're a 5 or 5S owner and think "was it worth it".  For me, it is.  The screen size makes it so.  I was never going to be able to get away with the ridiculous size of the 6 Plus and I already know where there is one for sale (as do a few other TSN-er's :roflmao: ) due to the mammoth size of it.

Just forget about the colour you order and take my word for it - you're going to be covering it up with a case in no time at all, because there's no way you'll hold the phone for more than a week without smashing it on the floor when it eeks its way out of your hand with its wet goldfish-like qualities of sleekness.


Oh and I forgot....


I'm now running 4G for the first time.  Holy feck.  I'm getting 39mb at home from it (not that I'll use that as we've got 120mb cable anyway) and I am completely taken aback at how different that makes the mobile browsing experience when not on WiFi.


If you're a 4 or 4S owner, the phone will seem light years ahead.

If you're a 5 or 5S owner, it's just an evolution with a much better screen, but I don't think you'll find it changes your life and you'll still fart in meetings when you'd rather not.

Edited by NewNiceMrMe
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