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Simple Photo-editing software for beginner?


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Okay phase is good - she likes her camera and is clicking away.

Next phase is to get daughter smome simple-ish (to start with) phot-editing software.

At the moment she is playing with Picassa tools.

Is Photoshop Elements the way to go and if so does anyone know of any deals of a slightly earlier version to avoid having to go the subscription route?

Ta +++

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I've got Elements and full blown Photoshop on my work computer and always default to Elements as it's so simple to use. For example that picture of patently crashing into the leaning Tower of Pisa took about 1m - simples!

I have CS4 (or is it 6) but as you say Elements is far more user friendly (from memory).

Will look to source.

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Yup, I'd never class Lightroom as the same as Elements or the full PS software.  MrsMe's staff use Adobe Creative Suite Master Collection and the stuff that delivers is awesome.  I'm still not convinced the cloud solution of software delivery is quite right though.  I do like the way it lets you choose what you want to install and the resources it offers are vast (it is also a very cashflow effective way of owning everything in a studio environment).


Oh and I use Preview on my Mac. :roflmao:

Edited by NewNiceMrMe
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I have photoshop as well but I find I use that to do a specific "thing" to a picture - despite the name it's more a graphic designers tool.

Lightroom is great as a catalog - but ironically I don't use that side of it at all - but it enables quick edits on pics and seems more built for the photographer needing to process a fair few pics than PS and it's one at once approach.

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Gimp is a nightmare to use from an interface perspective.  I'd also say that it'd turn a youngster away from editing because of that.  It requires a lot of time to get to grips with and I'd imagine a relatively new photographer isn't going to want to use the huge array of features it has.  I think it'd be complete overkill.

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You are all a bunch of techno-phobic wusses...

Gimp is a lot slicker than anything from Adobe. I use Pixelmator on my verious Macbooks, and Gimp on any Windoze machines I may need to touch. BTW - can you catch Ebola from a Windows PC?

As Mac said, get a Mac and use iPhoto. :P

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