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Classic British V8 sportscars compared (TVR, MGB, Mog and Marcos)


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I wrote this ages ago and forgot to publish it, I think, anyway - we took 4 classic British Sportscars with the ubiquitous Rover V8 in for a thrill up a hill(climb). Lots of pics and some slightly disparaging words here: http://www.motorpunk.co.uk/features/thrill-on-the-hill-with-british-v8s/


50p if you know exactly which make and model this is without cheating;




Lack of brakes and traction not pictured;




Taken from here: http://www.motorpunk.co.uk/features/thrill-on-the-hill-with-british-v8s/


Feedback, opinions and general insults all very welcome :)

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