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2015 fitness thread


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Hmmm....... bit concerned now.


Rotator is longstanding. partly throwing hooks on a heavy bag ......but more to do with padding for people......especially big punchers throwing a right cross.

It is common for boxing coaches - but most seem to work through it somehow. There again, most are carrying all manner of joint issues and just accept it as they get older.

It's been bad a couple of years now and rest ain't helping that much. Right shoulder even wakes me up in the night.

I think a trip to physio maybe.

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It's likely something more than just your rotator cuff, but you won't know until you have it checked out by a professional +++

Just because you can't use it how you'd like, there's still a load of exercises you can do to get fitter - squats, lunges, spinning, running, deadlifts (not too much weight though), seated and upright rows (again not too much weight).  Steer clear of rope-skipping if it hurts, although it shouldn't as it's all in the wrist ;)

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On 12/7/2016 at 5:26 PM, Torino101 said:

I have mentioned a few times before on here though it's never been a huge deal, that I'm an alcoholic, it's something that I am always willing to be open about and discuss with people, even help if I can. Have always had an unhealthy, (very), relationship with alcohol and when I was 24 in 2005 I put down drink for good.

2016 has been an extremely rough year, and the result of which, though I have absolutely no one to blame but myself, I had a relapse, after 11 years of sobriety :(. For around 6 months I have been in utter turmoil and it has put strain on my life and marriage like I couldn't believe. Is also why I have been barely present on these forums.

As such ~6 weeks ago I said enough is enough and stopped again. on the 23rd October. I took a picture of myself that day as I wanted to turn everything around. I have gymed all my life so a lot of base muscle is there. But below is my 6 week transformation, this has been utter focus and determination, my diet has also been immaculate. The gym and fitness helps my discipline in every other avenue in my life which is why it is so important to me that I continue. I have also taken up yoga (don't laugh), and have learnt Mooks joy of Obstacle course racing! done 2 15km ones just in the past few weeks.

I can get a lot better than this, but for 6 weeks I'm very pleased with the results and delighted to be back starting the right path again. Not too shabby for nearly 36.



Blimey, that's quite a transformation in six weeks, respect.   +++

Doesn't your wife work in fitness full time?  Or am I thinking of the wrong person?  From your comments you have both pulled through which I am relieved to hear

Glad things are on the up:  you and I both are looking forward to 2016 being over and 2017 beginning.

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22 hours ago, Mook said:

It's likely something more than just your rotator cuff, but you won't know until you have it checked out by a professional +++

Just because you can't use it how you'd like, there's still a load of exercises you can do to get fitter - squats, lunges, spinning, running, deadlifts (not too much weight though), seated and upright rows (again not too much weight).  Steer clear of rope-skipping if it hurts, although it shouldn't as it's all in the wrist ;)

Cheers Mook.

No skipping though......torn R calf and bad R achilles.:wacko: Can barely walk downstairs first thing in the morning!

Boxing really does screw you up as you get older though. Even with 18oz Reyes  gloves and gel wraps on the heavy bag....it still hammers your joints. God knows when I see people with daft little MMA gloves on what damage that does long term?

R Shoulder......can't get anywhere near to reaching behind for seat belt for example.

Any road up....Torino has inspired me........

Gym reopens this Thu after multi million £££ refit. Brand new activity room. Meeting with injury expert at gym and going to work something out.

Good old Plyometrics seems way forward. 

Edited by Soulboy
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On 09/12/2016 at 7:08 PM, Ian_C said:

Doesn't your wife work in fitness full time?  Or am I thinking of the wrong person?  

Think you've got the right person but you memory is slightly off which makes a change for you. :P She is indeed a sponsored fitness athlete but she does it purely as a hobby, her full time career is a Doctor (vet). +++ 

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