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MK Meet - Weds 6th May


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MK Meet - Weds 6th May, 6:30pm onwards onwards at the Caldecotte Arms, Milton Keynes.    +++


Good turn out in April despite disappointing weather for what was our first BST gathering of the year - 8 attendees with Audis 2, 3, 4, 6 & 8 present.  Meeting monthly from now onwards, Weds 6th May fits between the Bank Holiday and the election.  6:30pm onwards, any enthusiast welcome, usual suspects please post your interest, potential MK meet newbies please post below so we can look out and welcome you!  The meet is posted on RS246, spin-off forum Audi SRS and the S2 Forum.


For any newcomers (or forgetful old timers) the Caldecotte Arms pub is by the junction of the A5 and the A4146 right next to the oddly shaped - and now smoothly resurfaced - roundabout under the A5 (great for testing your Milltek). Look for the Windmill! Coming off the dual carriageway, drive down as far as the pub and then turn left towards the outside 'arc' of the car park - the top tier so to speak.

The Caldecotte Arms
Bletcham Way
Milton Keynes
01908 366188



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  • 2 weeks later...

....and depart roof down!  Congrats again.  +++


Great to see everyone, I escaped on holiday straight after this, completely forgot to update this thread!


No pics - car park was packed - some kind of girls / ladies fun run / race for life thing going on - hence we all parked separately - plus the weather was shiite anyway.  Porsches almost outnumbered Audis.....


Hard to believe the next meet (Weds 3rd June) is the last before Le Mans!

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