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Canon 7D Body


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Toying with the idea of updating my camera gear. Anyone interested in a 7D body? 4 years old I think, but with a shutter count of only 5,900. That's tiny - these units have a work-life of approx 150k shutter actuations.


Has the unit, box, power, and I'll throw in a 32Gb memory card too.


Go for about 450 on eBay so 400 delivered?


Good condition obviously, no marks or anything. Was serviced about 2 years ago. Have a look here - most of the photos there were take on on it with the 15-55mm f2.8 lens.



Not that bothered if it doesn't sell - it's a fantastic camera! Only looking to sell/upgrade..because lol yeah new shiny?


Also, may throw a stock lens in with it too if you ask really nicely.

Edited by Mac
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