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Cable cost!


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I've got an iPad, no idea which model, has the lightning cable socket. Poking about on Amazon it seems that I need a HDMI cable, and also a HDMI to lightening cable adaptor to connect my iPad to the telly. The HDMI to iPad adapter is about £40!! This is nuts - anyone got an Amazon link to something that isn't so stupidly priced, please?

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Buy an Apple TV and use Airplay.   That is £69 and compared to the £40 for the connector makes a lot more sense.


If you don't want to do that, buy the connector.  Anything you spend on eBay will be binned in minutes when you find it doesn't work properly

Edited by NewNiceMrMe
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As above, the lightening cables aren't as simple as you think, some have electronics in each end of the cable so why the are far more expensive than what is a standard cable. 


Not sure if the Lightening to HDMI do or no though to be honest. 


But as MrMe mentions you might as well get an Apple TV and share the screen as long as what you are showing or what app you want to get up there supports AirPlay. +++

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