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Macbook SSD upgrade + clean OS install


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As a side note, where are those backups? On the local drive?


You can turn local snapshots off if you want...I do, but then my laptop stuff has everything elsewhere anyways.


Run Terminal, and then type:


Sudo tmutil disablelocal


You'll need to enter your password.

I'm not sure where they are. I have the time capsule so didn't expect to need local backups too. Mind you, if it makes no difference then I might as well leave them on.

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Guessing this IT-illiterate buffoon is missing something here? Couldn't see anything negative in that article other than bootcamp compatibility which I don't use. Please enlighten :).


I don't think you can use that its for newer PCI-E Macbooks which yours isn't. I'd just put a big SSD in or a hybrid drive depending on how much storage you want and need and are prepared to pay. 


Amazon has been having a lot of daily deals on SSDs recently Sandisk 960Gb for £149.

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Andrew - may be worth buying a case for your 'old' HD like this https://www.amazon.co.uk/Screw-drive-Enclosure-laptop-Laptop/dp/B003RIL0EM/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1479162650&sr=8-2&keywords=usb+hard+drive+hdd+case.  Once removed you can keep it and either user as a backup or reformat and use for additional space. 

Re: instructions, I used these http://www.instructables.com/id/Upgrade-the-hard-drive-on-a-MacBook-Pro-HDD-SSD/ 

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I'd love to sort my music library out as it seems split between media and music ... but I really can't be arsed! A friend is lending me the caddy to do the cloning so in the next two weeks the poor thing gets me attacking it. Used to do this for a living ... 17 years ago. Traded those useful skills into some less useful selling ones!

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Cabby - I'm using the same instructions as you (nothing better than a successful recommendation) with Carbon Copy Cloner. Once done do I really just swap the drives out? Don't I need to make it bootable or something or will CCC make it so exact the MBP will just think it is the same drive that was taken away?

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First time may take a while to start as it trie to find the drive. Hold down the ALT key and select the drive. Once it's booted, go in to preferences and select startup disk. Make sure the new drive is selected. That way it wont spend an age trying to find the old one before looking for any other bootable drives.

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