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Broadband speed


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They said an upgrade is coming 6 months ago. i.e. they rolled out the marketing machine to announce the network upgrades but nothing to say you're now done. Had the same before. In fact they rollout the update (a change on their database of what you're entitled to) and it's often only when you've rebooted your hub and it checks the database that it kicks in.


Today I went back to modem mode (SH2 annoying me having to reboot 3 or 4 time a week!) and hence I checked the speed.

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That's very true.+++


When Vivid 200 was launched all they said was that the upgrade was coming 'very soon'.  I would reboot the router to check if it had happened and eventually it had.  Then, about 2-3 weeks later, I logged in to my online account and the message was there (but it hadn't been when the upgrade was done).


The thing that has impressed me most is how consistent the 200+ mb is.  It is always at 200mb as a minimum and usually closer to the 210mb mark. 

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