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2017 Fitness Thread


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Would like to achieve a sub 20 min 5K time. Before the arrival of our second child in September I was at 21:30.

I have done no exercise since then, so think it will probably take around six months to achieve. This means I might just manage it before the big 40. 

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Well.....other people's kids coughing and spluttering all over the place on Christmas Day ......and surprise surprise.......me and Mrs both struck down with a virus 2 days later.

Ache like a ba5tard......and feel like I have done 10 rounds with Tyson.

So fitness regime deferred temporarily. :(

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That's a tough target - but one which will hopefully keep you focussed and bring the other parts of your life under control so good luck. 

I've spent this year working on strength, gone from 11st 9 to 12st 8 and 10% fat to 14%. I look a hell of a lot better now than I did 12 months ago though as I was heroin chic skinny.  

Aiming to keep my weight similar or just under 13st and then drop 2-3% fat from Feb onwards. Don't want to cut too much as I'm really enjoying pushing myself and challenging my PBs on the core movements at the moment. 

Edit: 2 years ago I was 15st 1lb about now and had the body fat percentage of a cheeseburger. Results are harder to come by at 36 compared to some of the children in the gym but better late than never!

Edited by eldavo69
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The mental side of training is often overlooked. Sure you have got to work your butt off to get the results you want but the mental side of things plays a big part too. 

I come across so many people that want to add muscle but aren't prepared to gain a little fat. Unless you are a newbe to fitness (resistance training) or have chemical assistance, you WILL gain fat whilst you build lean tissue. The amount of fat gain is where the mental side comes in. Control the amount of calories that are eaten (200-250 above maintanence is about right in most cases). Gaining 0.5lb a week is about as quickly as you want to go as the body just can't build muscle any quicker. Of that 0.5, accept that some WILL also be fat. Understand the fact that your BF% will increase but done carefully this can be rectified during a future cutting cycle. 

Done right, dropping body fat is easier than building muscle. Again take your time and drop a sensible amount of weight each week 1-2lb. I'm a middle of the road kind of guy and think 1.5lb loss each week is the sweet spot. Again, accept that some muscle WILL be lost whilst cutting (with the exception of newbies and guys who are using  PEDS). 

I always think this marathon consists of 2 steps forward, 1 step back but it is whats required. 

Understand and accept your basic physiology and fitness is a fun hobby. Fail to accept what is and is not possible and you will waste years spinning your wheels getting nowhere.


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  On 12/29/2016 at 9:15 AM, Soulboy said:

Well.....other people's kids coughing and spluttering all over the place on Christmas Day ......and surprise surprise.......me and Mrs both struck down with a virus 2 days later.

Ache like a ba5tard......and feel like I have done 10 rounds with Tyson.

So fitness regime deferred temporarily. :(


Imagine living with the things when they bring you home every cough and cold imaginable from School and Nursery.. :roflmao:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Now this is what I call a hike!! Shew what an epic Sunday, trekking trough a gorge nature reserve here, some parts were bordering on impassable, and there was a lot or river wading also:


Nearly 8 hours, 26km, 33,651 steps, the equivalent of 390 floors of elevation climbed and a mere 5,220 calories burnt later. Tired today!! +++






Edited by Torino101
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  On 12/25/2016 at 12:58 PM, Scotty said:

I lost three stone last year and kept two off. Looking for two to three stone again this year.... but before I start I think I'll be adding a chunk!!


I did indeed add some timber before the NY but then last week I lost about 9lbs in a couple of days. Gotta love a winter bug :wacko:

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Today is day 1 of a 22 week cut (diet). Hoping to be in the condition of my life at the end of it. 

The first 3 weeks will just be just be the usual 4 weight sessions a week and a decrease of 20% of my daily calories.

Weeks 4-8 will see increased cardio with plenty of walking and skipping. 

Weeks 8-12 will basically be balls to the wall. A further decrease in calories (unless the scales are still moving downward) plus swimming and cycling added to the mix. 

18lb loss whilst preserving as much muscle as possible is the goal. 


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Good on you +++

I do, however, hate the word "diet".  Surely you're on a bulking diet when you're bulking?

I completely get your goals for training are very different to mine though +++

Everyone has a diet. It's what you eat.  Good diet, bad diet. That's all down to each person's impression of good and bad I guess.  So many of our friends think what we eat, when we eat and how many times a day we eat is absolutely nuts (and they think it's a horrendous "diet" to be on), but we eat like it all the time and it works for us, really, really well!

All that aside, how are you reducing your calorie intake?  One of the best ways I used 4 years ago to reduce BF% was to massively reduce carb intake, still eating greens though, and focus on a mainly proteins and fats diet.  Doesn't work for everyone, but just curious how you're changing what you eat over the next 6 months.

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Yes Mook your right about the meaning of diet. I put it in brackets because I wasn't sure if the majority of the TSN massive would think I was self harming if I left it at 'cutting'. 

I've  done full on keto diets in the past (less than 30g of carbs a day TSN massive) and whilst the first 5 days are hard with lethargy and head fog, I do get on quite well once the body adapts and starts using fat as its fuel source rather than carbs. However I see no benefit in this protocol over a standard drop in all round calories. I'm doing intermittent fasting but like keto it's just an easy way to reduce total calories rather than something magical happening. I'm yet to read a scientific study that proves that Keto or IF are better than the bog standard approach and I read ALL the studies. 

Whilst bulking my protein intake is 0.8g per lb of body weight but I bump this up to 1g per lb when cutting. 200g at the moment. 

Fats are at 70g and the rest is made up from carbs. Protein will come down slightly as body weight does but fats will finish at around 50g with carbs reducing as I go. Cardio will be used to keep me in a negative balance.  

I used to cycle macros with lower fat/higher carbs on training days but I find it easier to stick to a set plan throughout. 


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  On 1/9/2017 at 10:15 PM, Andrew said:

Two goals for me this year. First is to consistently bilaterally breathe in the pool. The second is to post a sub-40 10k ergo rowing time. Not really thought about how to achieve the latter in terms of a program. 


What's your current 10K time?

I have been trying out zwift on the turbo trainer this year which makes a spiteful bit of kit vaguely bareable. The indoor rower is even worse for mind and body torture. Has the seat got any more comfortable over the years? 

I seem to remember there is a digital rowing program, does that come with plans to achieve certain goals?

In the end though I guess it's building until <2 mins/500m splits is your sweetspot and maintaining a constant pace. Do either 10k training plans or cycling workouts transfer well to the rower, if there are no rowing specific plans?

I have a concept 2 in the garage next to the turbo. Set them both up on New Years Eve. Chance of me getting on the rower though is slim to none.

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  On 1/9/2017 at 6:42 PM, garcon magnifique said:

Talking of diets, or not, I'm actually genuinely considering joining Slimming World. :secret::o


I know lots of people who have had great success with slimming world.

A coleague has been on it for around 6 months and has lost 3 stone and my sister in law is 2 weeks in to slimming world and 7lb lighter.

Seems to be a good balance of being able to eat "free" food so you aren't hungry and also treats with your sins. Fry light is horrible though. 

How much do you want to lose?

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  On 1/9/2017 at 10:15 PM, Andrew said:

Two goals for me this year. First is to consistently bilaterally breathe in the pool. The second is to post a sub-40 10k ergo rowing time. Not really thought about how to achieve the latter in terms of a program. 


I had the advantage of coming back to swimming after never going in a pool after my brother nearly drowned me when I was 13, in that I had to learn all over again and ended up having lessons.  I just need to slow the funk down, as I always try to go too fast and get knackered too quickly!

It's funny the whole rowing time, isn't it.  1km in under 4 mins is easy enough, but keep going for 10km and it's hideous - it's like sprinting a half-marathon!  Do you not get bored stupid rowing for 10km?

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